
Boy marrying a girl that is older than him

Q: I'm in love with a girl who is 7 years older than me and she love me as much as I do. We both want to get married and start a life. So to ask her hand for marriage there is one thing I want to know, is it permissible to marry someone older than you like with 7 years age gap? And we both meet each other everyday as she is my teacher and I'm her student, she teaches me. So is it okay?

Marrying someone who is 15 years older

Q: I am writing in regards to a marriage proposal. I have met someone I like and he likes me and we want to get married, however we have a 15 year age difference. I am happy to go ahead and marry him and feel very positive about his character and personality and feel that we are similar in terms of maturity and mindset because I have always been mature for my age due to being the eldest child and not having a father growing up. My family like the guy and have no issues with him but are just a little worried about the age and if it will cause problems in the future. What should I do because I really want to marry him and him me because I feel that everything else is perfect for me and I like him and his character and deen and his family and his family have many age gap marriages from 10-18 years age gap and they are happy masha'allah so they have seen it work and are ok with it but my family are a little hesitant but they do really like him and his deen and character and said they have no problems with him otherwise. I would appreciate your advice on the matter. Jazakallah khair

Age gap in marriage

Q: I pray you are well. I wanted to ask a question about my situation. I have a proposal for marriage from a man I like and respect. My family met him and liked him and his deen and character. However, after they found out his age at the 2nd meeting they refused without asking me and saying they decided its best. He is 14 years older than me but in good health and looks masha'allah that it is not apparent and we probably look about 8 years difference. I am 24 and he 38. Also he is pakistani and I am indian which my family were initially ok with but then changed when they found out his mother cannot speak english and mines urdu is broken. His family were concerned about the age gap to start with but have said if we are both happy and I am mature and understand what marriage entails they are happy. I want to meet the family again because I like them and can see myself amongst that family despite the differences even tho my family feel I will not be happy and that I will struggle as I will have to do everything because of the age gap and have a hard life. Can my family refuse due to age and ethnicity when they were happy with his character, personality and deen. Are they right in saying i will have a hard life because he is older and so I will have to take care of any kids we have and him in his old age as they are saying he will look like my father and a kids grandad soon and have health issues. But I do like him and we are similar in terms of personality and character and i know if he was even a few years younger I would say yes and theage gap only came to my mimd after my family started saying things because I was ready to accept because I feel he as a person is perfect for me and similar to me. And he keeps himself fit and healthy and masha'allah looks younger than his age. I would appreciate your guidance on this matter.

At what age should girl get married?

Q: I am a 19 year old female and would like to know

1. What is the right age for a Muslim women to make nikah?

2. According to the sunnah how should a woman find a spouse?

3. Why do the Ulamaa say its best for a pregnant woman to read Surah Maryam and Surah Yusuf during her pregnancy?

4. What are the benefit of reading those surahs?

5. Are there any ahadith saying that married women should live/stay with their in laws?

Age and complexion of the people of Jannah

Q: Will the residents of paradise be white skinned/fair colored:

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) quotes the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying, “The People of Paradise will enter it (in the best form). They will be hairless (in their body). They will have moustaches, not beards. They will be white-colored and strong. Their eyelashes are darkened with kohl (eyeliner). They will be thirty-three years. They will resemble Adam (in appearance and figure), their length will be sixty cubits and their width will be seven cubits."

I found this from islamqa:

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6192) and Muslim (184).

2 – The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stated that they will change after they are brought forth from the Fire.

It was narrated from Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said of the Jahannamiyyoon (those who had been in Hell) that they “would be brought forth from the Fire after having been in it. They will come out as if they are branches of sesame. Then they will go into one of the rivers of Paradise, where they will wash themselves, then they will emerge like sheets of paper.”

Narrated by Muslim (191).

Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The word sesame refers to the well-known sesame from which sesame oil is extracted. Imam Abu’l-Sa’aadaat al-Mubaarak ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Kareem al-Jazari, who is known as Ibn al-Atheer (may Allaah have mercy on him), said: What it means – and Allaah knows best – is that if the branches of sesame are gathered and left in the sun so that their seeds may be collected, they turn thin and black as if they have been burned, so these people are likened to them.

“then they will emerge like sheets of paper” They are likened to sheets of paper because they will be so white after they wash themselves and all the blackness that was on them is removed.

Sharh Muslim (3/52).

According to a report narrated by al-Bukhaari (6190):

It was narrated from Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “They will emerge from the Fire through intercession as if they are small cucumbers.”

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

With regard to small cucumbers … What is meant is something that is white and small.

Also, the Prophet  sallallaahu  alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) said about the Muslims who would come out of Hellfire and be admitted to Paradise, “They will enter one of the rivers of Paradise and bathe in it, and when they come out, they will be as white as paper…” [Muslim]

The scholars  may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  them said, “He [Prophet] said that they were like paper because of them being so white after bathing and because the blackness that was on them was removed.”

I was wondering, will the residents of paradise all have white skin, be 33 years old and have no beards? Islamweb says that all residents of paradise will be white but I was wondering, like does the original arabic mean anything?

Age of Hazrat Aaisha (Radiyallahu Anha) at the time of her nikaah

Q: I would like to ask below questions,

1. What was the age of Amma Ayesha (Radiyallahu Anha) when she got married to the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?

2. What was the age of Amma Ayesha (Radiyallahu Anha) when she did Rukhsti with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

3. Is this true that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Amma Ayesha involved or done humbistari (physically love).

4. Is this true that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Amma Ayesha took bath together.