Link between Salaah and sustenance
Q: Please advise:
1. Is there a link between the Fardh Salaat and Rizq?
2. Is there a link between Rizq and acts of impermissible lust/immorality?
Q: Please advise:
1. Is there a link between the Fardh Salaat and Rizq?
2. Is there a link between Rizq and acts of impermissible lust/immorality?
1. How many total rakats do we have to pray in the five daily Salah including fard, sunnat, nafil, etc. according to the Hanafi madhab?
2. Is it obligatory to pray three rakats witr in Isha Salah?
Q: I wanted to find out if it is permissible to read on the new mussalla that is out. It converts into a backrest.
Q: Is it compulsory to read salaah on a musalla or can Salaah be read on any surface that appears clean?
Q: Does thinking sexually in Salaah break Salaah or should I just say astagfirullah afterwards?
Q: Can one perform salaah with shoes on?
Q: Is it necessary to fold the corner of the jahe namaaz when it is not being used? I have heard some people say it is an innovation but most of my relatives do it.
Q: Is salaah permissible on memory foam musallas?
Q: My question is regarding a woman doing bina if she involuntarily breaks her wudhu in Salaah. One of the conditions of bina is that the satr should not become uncovered for bina to be correct. But if the woman goes to redo her wudhu she will uncover her arms and head and ankles etc to do wudhu, so would this still mean the bina is valid?
Q: I have unfortunately have been diagnosed with genital herpes and oral herpes. I read on websites that it can spread through the skin even if there is no sore or fluid. What should I do in terms of praying Salaah because I touch my face and then touch the carpet? How should my contact with people be and what happens if I spread the disease to others. Do I get a sin for that? What do I do to all the people that I had spread the disease to previously due to handshakes (if even the disease spreads that way), sharing food and other ways?