Various masaail of Eid

Giving gifts on Eid

Q: Would it be jaaiz for people to give presents on Eid. I have seen some people give wrapped up presents with cards, very similar to Christmas, on the night before Eid, to the children. They have a big gathering to give this. They say that they do this because children won’t know how to spend the money properly. Would this be jaaiz? What is the status of giving Money on Eid?

Watching movies on Eid day

Q: My question is that I understand that going to the cinema and watching movies is forbidden so is it the same for when watching on Eid as there is a story of when a boy was playing music on Eid and a man wandering past started to shout saying what are you doing it is eid and then the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) heard this and said to the man something similar to this that it is Eid today let the kids do what they want. So this is what I don't understand whether it is permissible on eid day?



  1. During the time of Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the Sahaba (Radiyallahu Anhum) was Eid ul Adha celebrated for one day or three days?
  2. If Eid ul Adha was celebrated for one day how is it to celebrate it for three days because nowadays people celebrate Eid for three days?
  3. What is the shariah ruling for people who makes nice food, wear nice clothes etc for more than one day thinking its part if Eid?