Writing poems in praise of a person who passed away
Q: Is it permissible to write a poem for a person who dies? A scholar died recently and poems are published to remember and grieve for the loss. Is it allowed to do such things in Islam.
Q: Is it permissible to write a poem for a person who dies? A scholar died recently and poems are published to remember and grieve for the loss. Is it allowed to do such things in Islam.
Q: Is it permissible to write names on the Kabah and Jabal-e-Rehmat? I have seen many people writing their names on the Kabah and Jabl-e-Rehmat. Isn't it shirk?
Q: Is it permissible to write a book with anecdotes that may not necessarily be true but the aim is to provide a lesson to learn from the anecdote. An example of this is the book "Taxi Driver".
Q: I am looking at writing novels which are aimed at young children and adults aged from seven years onwards. Fiction novels can enable people and especially children to develop and improve their language skills, vocabulary and understanding of the world. However, reading novels can also be regarded as a waste of time. My novels would promote good morals but will also inevitably contain some sinful notions such as acts of violence or relationships – the novels are aimed at a young audience so these will still be apparent within the novel. I want to ask three questions regarding the above.
1. Is story fiction writing permissible in Islam?
2. If my intention is to write stories with the aim of helping people, especially children, to improve their vocabulary, language skills and understanding of the world, will I be rewarded by Allah Ta'ala?
3. If I derive an income from story writing, will this income be halaal?
Q: Allah ky naam Arabic mn hoty hain inn ko roman English mn likhna kesa?
Q: Is this hadeeth saheeh, and what does it mean: “Do not write anything from me, and whoever writes anything but the Qur’aan, let him erase it”? Also Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu Anhu) at one point was not sure whether to keep what he knows of hadiths or not. He had collected 500 hadiths during very long companionship with the prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), but he could not sleep the night until he burned them”. Could you please explain this to me.
Q: I listen to Islamic lectures, 6 points and talks all the time and I always forget what they say almost instantly but afterwards if someone talks about a section from it I am able to easily recall it most of the time. But sometimes when I am in Jamat/Tableegh/Path of Allah, and I become appointed to give a bayaan/ talk on 6 points or something I can barely recall or access anything in my memory even though I have so much knowledge about it somewhere in my memory. What should I do?
Q: Is it jaaiz to write on the limbs of your body with tools that are washable e.g. pens; tip-ex etc?