Ghusal for a person who cannot put water into his eyes
Q: I had cataract surgery on one eye. The doctor advised not to let water go into the eye that has been operated on. How do I make ghusul for jumuah?
Q: I had cataract surgery on one eye. The doctor advised not to let water go into the eye that has been operated on. How do I make ghusul for jumuah?
Q: Does earwax in ears prevent water reaching in the ears, or is it ignorable and doesn't prevent validity of ghusl?
Q: I took a bath after haidh forgetting that there is nail paint on my one nail. What should I do now? Can I peform wudu or should I take a bath again although my hair is wet?
Q: Is taking a bath in a bathtub haram? Does it resemble the kuffar or because of the usage of water is too high as compare to taking a bath with a bucket and much or compare to using shower. So will it be israaf?
1. Does one have to make ghusl after having intercourse with his wife even if he does not ejaculate?
2. Does ghusl have to be made immediately after intercourse or can it be made whenever?
Q: I have been using a hair patch on my head since 2016. I just want to ask whether I can do wudhu or ghusal with a completely fixed hair patch? As it's practically impossible to perform wudhu in a public place with lifting the hair patch.
Q: If a male becomes baaligh by having wet dream and ghusl becomes fardh on him, but he doesn't know that in Shariat you have to perform ghusl after having a wet dream. So he keeps praying with just making wudhu and after 3-4 months of his puberty, he comes to know that ghusl becomes fardh by wet dream. So are all his prayers in these 3-4 months counted or does he have to make qadha?
While offering these prayers again will he make intention of praying qadha prayer or will he make intention of repeating the prayer (I'adah)?
Q: Once, ghusl was fardh on me, and in ghusl, when I had to rinse my mouth, I rinsed it in a normal way and gargled too. But I am quite sure that water didn't reach my inner cheeks inside the mouth. Is ghusl valid?
Q: Is it compulsory for woman to remove her earrings, etc. when taking a ghusl or can she just adjust it front and back so water can go through the holes?
Q: I was having a sleep over at my friends house and while sleeping there I had a wet dream. I couldn't make gusul, so I did a normal wudhu. Is this acceptable?