
Performing qasar salaah while studying safar distance away from home

Q: I am from Peshawar and I am an employee here in Islamabad. I used to come to my office every Monday and go home every Friday. I live here in a hostel for 4 nights every week for the last 1 and half years but I have never stayed for more then 10 days here in my hostel continously. How should I perform my namaaz? Do I have to read qasr or full namaaz? 

Reading qasr salaah at home

Q: I am staying in a hostel and doing my 1st year college. When I come home for the weekend, I offer salaah as a musaafir by offering 2 rakaats zuhr, 2 rakaats asr, 3 rakaats maghrib and 2 rakaats isha. My house is 177 km away from the hostel. Is it right? How many km should it be for me to be a musaafir?

Girls living in a hostel

Q: I am an engineering student and I am currently living in the hostel. All was going well till my roommate offered prayer. Her method of offering salah was different but I did not pay much attention to this because in college, I am friends with a shia girl whose method is also differed from mine. I do not discuss this with anyone but I was told by another hostelmate that she is a "aga kahani". This made me furious. After that day I stopped using her things but I never stopped sharing mine with her. Now the problem is that we hostelmates make tea together and she is also included in our group of friends. We do not want to make her feel miserable but I asked her not to make tea for me twice.

Now, the question is that how should I behave with her as we have to share one room and I have to live with her for a long period of time.

Also, we use to eat our lunch and dinner in the same plate, is this appropiate? 

Room mates playing music

Q: I know that listening to music is forbidden in Islam. I reside in a hostel with 3 room-mates. Sometimes, they play songs, videos on loudspeaker and other students from different rooms also join them. In this case, what should I do? Since we live in secular country, I can't tell them to stop as everyone is free to do anything one desires