
Paying back more than the loaned amount

Q: Say, suppose, I had borrowed some money from a certain person (not specific) about few years back. When I return the money to him, do I return the exact amount or should I include some extra amount accounting for the inflation that would have occurred during the years. Would including the extra amount mean I am giving interest and would it be a haram?

Warning someone about being deceived by a certain person

Q: I have given some money to a person who promised me to give me back on Wednesday but he didn't, then he promised to give me Friday and he broke his promise again. Likewise it is more than a week now and I still did not get my money back. I fear he might have tricked me to take money from me and he actually didn't need it urgently.

1. My question is that he also knows my brother and he may ask my brother for money as well and he do the same to him. Can I inform my brother about this so that he is aware of the situation and he does not get tricked?

2. If I complain to my brother about him then this will this be counted as back biting (gheebat) and I should not tell my brother?

Taking a loan on interest

Q: Is it permissible to take out riba in order to avoid becoming homeless? I am a revert muslimah that quit college to avoid taking out more riba but I have yet to find a job and will soon be homeless since there is no family or friends I can stay with. My student loans were large enough to support me the entire semester with a part time job but since im not in school I have no job (it was a student job) and no more money. The Qur'an is very clear on riba but what else do I do? I already asked for money from my local musjid.