Using zakaat money to dig a well for poor people
Q: Can I use zakat money to dig a well for poor people?
Q: Can I use zakat money to dig a well for poor people?
Q: What is the tahqeeq on white gold? Is Zakaat payable on it?
Q: A woman who is a widow with no children has more than the nisaab amount, which is invested but the income from it is less than her monthly expenses. Can this woman be assisted with zakaat to cover her monthly shortfall in her expenses.
Q: I was informed by certain Ulama that when calculating my Zakaat, I should only exclude my yearly liabilities and debts. Apart from that, I should pay Zakaat on my entire wealth. These Ulama explain that the reason for excluding the yearly instalments and liabilities is that it is treated as a debt that is payable immediately. The liabilities and debts over and above the yearly instalments will not be taken into account since it is Mu’ajjal (deferred). Is this view correct?
Q: 1. When giving Sadaqah should we make niyyah that I am giving this sadaqah for the good health of my children and family members? Or just the niyyah of sadaqah is sufficient in helping ease our difficulties?
2. If sadaqah is given with the niyyah of good health/protection of ones family, will one get the sawab too?
1. Is zakaat payable on provident fund?
2. If payable is it only on employees portion or employers portion?
3. If payable, is the value based on market value less estimated tax payable? Note tax is only paid when money is withdrawn from the fund.
Q: If one has not payed zakaat for previous years and now wishes to do so, will they calculate when they became saahib nisab based on todays nisab or nisab of that particular day?
Q: Can I give zakaat to my mother-in-law who is a widow and her two sons are not able to fulfil her needs?
Q: My husband is in heavy debts. I have a good amount of gold given to me in my marriage as a gift by my parents, in-laws and relatives. The zakat on gold amounts to thousands of rupees. I am a housewife so whatever my husband gives me for my personal expenses is the only income I have. First year of my marriage I sold a few items of my gold and paid off the zakat to nearest relatives who were in need. Now I heard about this following hadith: Al-Bukhaari (1462) and Muslim (1000) from Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him), that when the Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) commanded the women to give in charity, Zaynab the wife of ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood came to him and said: “O Prophet of Allaah, today you told us to give in charity. I have some jewellery and I want to give it in charity, but Ibn Mas’ood claims that he and his child are more deserving of my charity.” The Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Ibn Mas’ood has spoken the truth. Your husband and child are more deserving of your charity.” So I ask you if you could clear my doubts regarding it accordingly. Can I give the amount my husband gave to me for my peesonal expenses as zakat back to my husband so he could pay off his debts?
Q: I misplaced my kruger coin. After looking for it, I cannot find it. What is the law regardig its zakaat?