Factors that make Zakaat compulsory

Paying zakaat once one acquires one's share of the inheritance

Q: Regarding inheritance/working out zakaat, an estate has only money, no business, etc. 

The house and car of the deceased was already given to his wife in his lifetime - it was accepted and agreed by all during his lifetime that it belongs to his wife. 

The person passed away 3 years ago - the estate got sorted out last week and shares were given. 

Must the zakaat be give for all the previous years while they were sorting out the inheritance? 

And when do they pay zakaat for the share that was received? Should it be paid now or would they wait for a year to pay it?

Zakaat on a lost gold ring

Q: My wife took out her gold ring to make wudhu at home and then forgot where she left it. This happened last week. 

We searched high and low for it, in the cupboards, drawers, and in every part of the house (in the kitchen, under the sofa, or any other place possible). 

After searching extensively, we have now lost hope of finding it, and we now suspect the helper may have snatched it. Will my wife need to pay zakaat on the ring?

Zakaat on debts

Q: I borrowed some money from my mother to buy a car. We used that money to pay for the car and I will be paying her back every month. Will zakaat have to be paid on that amount if it is already used in buying the car? 

Wealthy Muslims taking loans from the bank

Q: In our time, there are wealthy Muslims to take out loans from the bank for tens of millions of rands for the purpose of business, e.g. constructing an apartment block. Or taking out a mortgage for buying a home. Please advise:

(1) If the amount loaned exceeds their Zakaat asset value, does that mean these Muslims do not have to pay Zakaat, and that they are also eligible to receive Zakaat?

(2) Likewise, is it better for them to use money to pay off debts or Nafl Sadaqah/Lillah projects?