
Nisaab of zakaat

Q: If a person has a certain amount of cash only, has he to base his calculation for determining the nisaab based on existing rate of silver or gold? The reason is there is a vast difference in the market rate of a gram of silver and a gram of gold. Please advise. Jazakalkah.

Zakaat on flats

Q: I have two small flats. First one I bought with the intention that I have a house to live on. Later I bought a second one and changed my intention to sell them both after some time to buy a house for me. Both are rented. I want to know.

1. How much zakat I have to pay now.

2. If I use the rent for my retirement money to live without work how do I have to pay zakat?

3. If I sell them and buy a house and start living in it and partly rent it to get money to survive in old age, how should I pay zakaat on it?

Using one's zakaat to pay for one's mother's treatment

Q: I am a 70 year old retired person and have no means of income besides some investments in Islamic bonds. I pay Zakat Alhamdollilah every year to deserving persons. My 100 year old mother fell seriously sick and had a Paralysis stroke and presently is in Coma stage. She is attended by two female nurses [12 hours duty each] and one Physiotherapist at my home besides her prescribed medications. I am aware that I am not allowed to give Zakat money to Parents. However, cost incurred by me on her treatment and Nursing / Physiotherapy is beyond my reach as I have a very limited pension type income. Can I pay her treatment, Nursing and Physiotherapy expenses from my Zakat fund?

Zakaat on gold

Q: If we pay zakaat for 108 grams gold one year, next year we minus 2.5 grams from that gold or not? I mean we pay 105.5 grams zakaat next year or pay for the same 108 grams?