Does Salaatut Tasbeeh erase major sins?
Q: Does Salaatut Tasbeeh erase major sins also?
Q: Does Salaatut Tasbeeh erase major sins also?
Q: What should be our behavior with friends who dabble in major sins? Should we cut them off or advice them?
Q: Is it a major sin for a woman to masturbate? Could you please provide references from the Quran Sharif and Hadith for the satisfaction of my heart and mind? I have heard that it can cause weak memory and eyesight as well as other health problems.
1. How many major sins are there?
2. How many minor sins are there?
3. What is the difference between Haraam, Gunah, Najaiz?
4. How many Faraaiz (compulsory like Imaan, Namaz, etc.) are there in Islam?