
Washing the body for a second time in ghusal


1. For ghusal there is the condition of washing your whole body. I want to ask that if one is in the shower or using a bucket to take ghusal, is it necessaray that every time new drops reach the other part. I mean that if I am taking a bath under a shower and washing my head or chest then the water flows from my head to my chest or legs and my legs get wet automatically. So is it necessary for me to wash my legs again?

2. Is it necessary to remove any impurity before taking ghusal? I mean, if I wash the najasah from my body, does that part need to be washed again for the purpose of ghusal?

Will the smell of mazi on one's linen render it impure?


1. I was wondering if the pillows that have been stained by the smell of madhiy through clothes but not directly stained by the moisture itself are impure? (There's no smell on them anymore). I just embarrassingly knew about madhiy this week and I'm trying to repent and avoid sinning thoughts. I masturbate quite often using my pillows before and I'm worried about other things that could have been stained by the smell from the pillows. 

2. I haven't washed anything on my bed and I'm still using them for sleeping and I couldn't possibly wash everything as I don't know which thing could also have been stained by the smell. As they are no visible traces of impurity, I let them dry under the sun is this okay?

3. And I'm also having doubts as sometimes when my feet and hands are wet I get on the bed and I'm wondering if my feet and hands become napaak? My indoor cat also loves to lay on my bed and walk around the house, does this mean I have to wash her?

Sniffing water in wudhu


1. In ghusl, do we have to sniff water into the nose or will pouring suffice?

2. I have read that “Istinshaaq” means taking water into the nose and breathing it into its backmost part. I have also read that according to Imam Abu Hanifa (rahimahullah) Istinshaaq is obligatory in ghusl and Istinthaar is desirable. (Durre Mandhuud p.167 & p.279 v.1)

Ma'zoor making new wudhu for tawaaf

Q: I am leaving for hajj in a few days time insha Allah. I have a problem of continous discharge. I am maazoor.

1. If for example I am travelling and I stop to read zohr namaaz. After reading my zohr namaaz can I make a new wudhu immediatley with the intention of asr or do I have to wait for the next salaah time to set in and then make a fresh wudhu?

2. Can I just make a fresh wudhu before every namaaz without changing my panty liner?

3. After performing salaah in the haram do I have to make a fresh wudhu before I start tawaaf?

And what happens if for example I am performing tawaaf and the time for the asr sets in, do I have to make a new wudhu for asr salaah and after performing asr salaah do I have to make a new wudhu again to complete my tawaaf?

How many times should one wash impurity off one's hands?

Q: I want to ask that if one's hands are very dirty e.g. if urine drops can be seen on one's hands then how many times should the hands be washed. Beyond that limit of washing, will it be a sin. I'm asking this because I'm getting mad day by day as I wash my hands for 20 to 25 times with soap, so it very irritatating to wash so many times as I'm not getting satisfied that my hands are now clean.