
Washing mazi off one's clothes

Q: Today after I finished ghusl before the Friday prayer, while I was taking washed clothes from the wardrobe, I noticed mazzi stains on a washed underpants. I rubbed it with my nail and with a small amount of water, that water touched my trousers and body. Did I need to do anything more and should I wash my trousers and body too?

Impurity on the bedsheet

Q: My question is that if I am sitting on my bed with my blanket on side touching me and if I pre ejaculated in my underpants and it gets more than 2.76 cms (a dirham coin) then will my bedsheets and blanket becomes impure if I stay in bed for an hour or so before bathing?

Urine drops after making istinja

Q: As a person suffering from voluntary drops of urine after making Istinja'a, in prayer and in some other times.

1- Can I pray like that?

2- Can I lead salaahs? People sometimes choose me to lead the salaah because I have memorized the Qur'an.

3- Whenever I go to the mosque, I also pray nawaafils. After I reach home, I use to recite the Qur'an, must I re-perform ablution for the recitation or I will use that of the salaah, for all the time wasted?

4- I heard that a person like me can't perform two obligatory prayers with one ablution, when will I perform ablution for each salaah? Is it after or before adhaan?

5- If after maghrib I stay at the mosque, if it comes to time for isha'i, must I perform istinja'a before ablution?

6- Can I pray more salaah with that cloth?

Washing impure clothing in the washing machine

Q: Allah recently guided me to the right path. I was an undutiful Muslim. My question is about impurity. You know that if some impurity touches to your clothes or other things, then you have to wash. When I was not practicing Islam properly, I used to not wash my penis with water after using toilet. Also, I never used to remove semen from my clothes after wet dream. When those impure clothes used to wash with pure clothes in washing machine then obviously those clothes also used to became impure. Now what is the solution to purify all clothes. There are a lot of clothes. When those clothes touch another thing, then they could also cause that thing to become impure. So, as a whole I believe that almost all things in my house have become impure including clothes because I was not conscious about impurity. How to purify my house? My mother will not wash all clothes. I am really worried about this.

Touching the Qur'an without wudhu

Q: Is it permissible to touch a mus'haf without performing ablution/wudhu? Or let's say is if permissible to study qur'an without wudhu? Because I am memorizing Qur'an and I always go to the comfort room, always pee so I find it hard to make a wudhu every after entering the comfort room. It is also very cold in my country especially in morning. But if it is impermissible or not permissible then I will have no choice but to make wudhu every time after entering the comfort room.

Doubts regarding dirt on the carpet

Q: My query is as follows. Please could you assist. I found some dirt on my carpet and when I smelt it, it smelt like stool, I am not sure where it came from but my concern is that my family walked on the carpet with wet feet, however I am not certain if their feet did in fact touch the dirty parts of the carpet. They have subsequently touched their feet with their hands, does this make their hands as well as wet items they touched thereafter napaak? Also they have worn socks and shoes thereafter and possibly perspired in the shoes, are their shoes napaak as well?