
Breaking a vow

Q: I once went through something in my life and I promised Allah that I would give up something dear to me i.e. I would never read novels again if He removes that problem. It has been a year since and I have not broken the vow but I find it very difficult and I find myself just wasting the time away. What must I do as I am very confused?

Reading novels

Q: I would like to know whether or not it is permissible to read books which make you think of unnecessary/evil images. I am a practising Muslim, however I was enjoying the book 'thirteen reasons why' until I felt I needed to ask.

Writing Islamic fictional novels

Q: I am looking at writing novels which are aimed at young children and adults aged from seven years onwards. Fiction novels can enable people and especially children to develop and improve their language skills, vocabulary and understanding of the world. However, reading novels can also be regarded as a waste of time. My novels would promote good morals but will also inevitably contain some sinful notions such as acts of violence or relationships – the novels are aimed at a young audience so these will still be apparent within the novel. I want to ask three questions regarding the above.

1. Is story fiction writing permissible in Islam?

2. If my intention is to write stories with the aim of helping people, especially children, to improve their vocabulary, language skills and understanding of the world, will I be rewarded by Allah Ta'ala?

3. If I derive an income from story writing, will this income be halaal?