Masaail pertaining to the Wali and Compatibility between spouses

Obeying one's parents

Q: I like this boy and he likes me.We are ready to get married however my parents disapprove because we are of different casts. I do not want to go
against my parents but are they allowed to do this according to Islam? They have not met him  or his family. What is the best way to deal with the
situation and what can I read?

Importance of consulting one's elders with regards to marriage

Q: I have found a spouse for myself and a very good one alhamdulillah, however he is from a different culture from me. I have nothing against interracial marriage or different cultures getting married in fact I find it very fascinating. I am scared what my family might say and that they will not accept. My brother is also a mufti and there are people in my area who have married from different cultures but my parents may have a different opinion when it comes to there own family. What should I do to overcome being scared and to be confident to tell my family?

Memon boy marrying a Surti girl

Q: I have a "Memon" friend who wants to marry a "Surti" girl. His parents do not wish this to happen. I obviously know that the parents are in the wrong to draw a divide in this manner as they are both Muslim. However, I am also aware that the blessings of the parents are important to a marriage, and going against them will most probably result in a severing of family ties. Firstly, should I try to speak to the parents and/or mediate between the parties. And secondly if this fails do I still encourage the marriage or do I encourage him to respect his parents' wishes. Please advise

Consulting one's parents with regards to nikaah

Q: I have got to know a boy from my town and we both have fallen for each other. I performed salaahtul istikhara and my dreams where positive. However his parents do not approve of me. I have been modern but I try hard to live my life Islamically. He has performed istikhara salaah as well but didn't have any dreams. We really want to make our relationship halaal. What should we do?

Remarrying if one finds a suitable partner

Q: I am 30 years of age and divorced with 2 kids a girl and a boy. I have been a lone parent for over 8 years now and I really feel that I need a partner and at the same time I worry for my kids too. My parents don't want to get me remarried because of the children. My mum worries too much about the kids that if their own father left them then how can a step father take care of them. I agree with her too but I am there for my children and always will be, they are my life, but there are some good people out there too. A father can leave his kids but a mother can never leave her children. Could you please tell me a dua or a wazifa that I can read so that my parents think about me and my children, accept that fact and I get a very good life partner that will accept me with my 2 kids and fulfil the duties of a real father.

Listening to one's parents

Q: I like a girl and want to marry her but my father doesn't want ... Once my elder sister and her husband went to her home for rishta and they agreed but when the girl's father told to us that our father must also come for rishta with relatives, my father did not agree to go to her home. Please give me a wazifa so that my father will agree.

Getting married in a family that is involved in bid'aat

Q: Please advise me, I come from a tablighi family background. I have met this girl, she is hard core sunni. The entire family, mazaars salami etc. Is it ok to marry into this family? I don't follow their stuff rose water and feather duster and standing for salami. I wasn't brought up to. Please advise me on what to do. Also they don't want to let us get married but instead wait a few years. We both over 20 and know each other for 3 years.