
Rental dispute

Q: I stay in a rented apartment which is being shared between six people including me. A few days ago my friend (ex-roommate) had come to stay at our place for few days, and as a good gesture my other roommates allowed him to stay, but due to some unavoidable circumstances his stay got extended by a week and hence my other roommates asked me if he could pay us a small amount as he is staying longer and facilities such as Electricity and water is being used by him. So I told my friend that he will have pay a small amount, he said how come we are asking him to pay and all, so I told him we will discuss it later in the evening as I was getting late for the office, meanwhile he messaged my other roommate and enquired with him why we want him to pay the share. Now that conversation went little wrong and later he confronted my roommate and had a quarrel with him in abusive language, that he won't give the rent share and said we are cheap kind of people who are asking for rent and left our place after that, later on he posted about this incident in a whatsapp group where all my other friend s are present and they all stared to scold us for asking him for rent share and the conversation here as well went wrong and people stared to abuse each other and I'm being held responsible for everything. Now my question here is:

1. Are we wrong that we are taking rent?

2. Has the person did the right thing by posting about the incident on that whatsapp group and abused us?

3. What could be done in order to neutralize the issue.

Having expectations in people

Q: I'm a student from Pakistan and alhamdolelah I am a Muslim. My question is that I have taken a loan from a friend for studies and it is a huge amount for me being student and now my friend is using me and treating me like his slave. In the beginning he promised me that he will help me with my studies, that's why I took the loan from him but now he wants his money back and threatens me that he will defame me and disrespect me. I don't have much money to pay him back. Can I call is a test from Allah for me?

Keeping an atheist friend

Q: I have a friend who calls herself atheist but she tell us to make dua for her sick mother. She believes that dajjal exists. She never tells anything against Islam. Only once I mentioned her something that time she told something. My question should I continue friendship with her. How do I give her dawah?