
Temporary ligation

Q: In my first pregnancy I had a complication which put the baby life at risk and so the baby was born early. Doctors are saying that I am at very high risk of this happening again. The first time the condition that was life threatening to us both was picked up in time so shukr we both are fine. With this warning should I have more children or rather not? If it is life threatening to the mother is it allowed to sterilize?

Husband refusing to have children

Q: I'm Married for the last one and a half year. My husband doesn't want a child for the next couple of years. He loves me a lot. But only this thing is unbearable for me. As I'm too passionate for having a child. We are not using any pills for this but we are using protection methods. I've started wondering that I will cheat him and will damage the protection. So in this way will accidentally get pregnant. I hope he will not be able to do anything in this case. But I love him so much and I am wondering that if this is cheating and Allah will not forgive me for this. Please let me know what should I do.


Q: My question is regarding the Islamic teachings of having offsprings after marriage as Islam strictly prohibits the birth control methods. I have three kids. All unplanned and my husband blames me for having them as he suggested to abort the second and third one. Allah blessed me with a boy and two girls but my husband keeps saying at least 5-10 times per day that we have a lot of children and blames me for having them. What should I do? How to save myself from the mental trauma as he blames every single thing on having babies?


Q: Me and my husband have two children. One has retinal dystrophy and the second has not been tested yet as he is too young. The doctor has told me its a genetic condition that was passed on from me and my husband through recessive genes. Me and my husband are second cousins. My question is would contraception be allowed for me not to have a third child as I have been told it would have a good chance of a genetic problem/disability. If I did have a third child, would I be to blame in Islam if I knew it could be passed on. What if my child hates me when he is older.