
Eating honey and olive oil

Q: I would like to know about the sunnah of honey and olive oil and how to eat it. I read some information online and what most of the websites say is that the sunnah way of eating honey is by adding it to boiling water and having it on an empty stomach, but wouldn’t the hot water kill the nutrients in the honey? And for the olive oil, would it be sunnah to have two tablespoons in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach ?

Eating meat

Q: Some sisters were having a conversation on the eating of meat. One sister commented that there is a hadeeth where the Prophet Muhammed sallallahu alahi wa salaam says: "Do not let your stomach become a graveyard for animals." I have never heard of this hadeeth nor seen it anywhere. I once saw that Ali radhiyallahu anhu said that, otherwise no one can give clear proof.

Bleeding gums

Q: I very recently had my wisdom teeth removed, and will have another one removed in the next few weeks. After my tooth was surgically removed, it bled continuously for hours (after such procedures, there is continuous bleeding expect for 24-48 hours). Now, I know it is not permissible to swallow blood, however I cannot continuously rinse my mouth, in fact rinsing and spitting to harshly after such surgery can lead to dry sockets which are very painful. I also find it very difficult not to swallow for such a long time (it seems practically impossible for me). What should I do about the blood in this situation? (Note that this is not a small amount of blood). Also, so far I have been praying by having a good supply of tissue in my hand or on the ground next to me and spitting the blood out onto those as I pray. Is this acceptable? Lastly, how do I eat in this situation (when whatever I eat will no doubt mix with the blood in my mouth)? Thank you so much for your help. May Allah bless you.

Eating the testis of an animal

Q: Is eating testis of an animal haram? If yes, then what is the evidence from the Quran to consider it as haram. According to fiqh rule to consider it haram, there must be evidence from the Quran or from weak hadith. If it is haram then why is it being sold in Muslim countries? If you consider it as haram then smoking cigarettes is also haram and you should cease the fight and accept Saudi's Ulema as correct.

If people eat it, will their prayers not be accepted?