
Inheritors wishing to waive their right of inheritance

Q: A man dies leaving behind no biological children nor parents. He had 10 siblings and many nephews and nieces. He did not have an Islamic will and wished to distribute his estate to his siblings, nephews and nieces. He is currently survived by 40 people (3 brothers, 1 sister and 36 nephews and nieces). His siblings wish to waive their shariah rights and distribute the estate equally among all 40 individuals. The main reason for this is to maintain and improve family ties among all. Would this be in order?

Living separately


1. What is the ruling on separate living for a married son with his wife from his parents, given that the son is the only male child and the couple had undergone love marriage?

2. To whom are the duties and responsibilities of a married man more, his wife, children or unmarried siblings?

3. If a married daughter is not permitted by her husband to visit her parents provided that her parents dont have a male child, what can she do?

4. For a working married lady whose parents have no male child and source of earning, is she required to give some share of her salary towards parents despite the fact that her husband is not willing to do so?

Unfair treatment from parents

Q: I am un-happy living at home with the rules that have been implied. Even when I do nothing wrong, I still feel as if they blame me. I do everything in the home for chores helping my parents and errands. I have other siblings as well but the do not help. I am getting emotionally depressed and want to start doing drugs and staying out the house because once coming home I cry most the time. I feel as if my parents don't understand me yet. I try to make them time after time. I have started trying to tell them I am moving out and they react as if I am doing something horrible and hit and yell abuse at me. Everyday it's the same thing. I want to be gone but my family won't let me. Do I leave with out their permission? What do I do? Please help. I am only 20 years old. I do have a friend's house who is willing to let me stay with her as long as I can. I can't focus on my studies any more at all as well. Please help.