
Concealing the faults of others

Q: I have been stressing myself out on my wife's past. I am about to get married next month and I have been engaged with my fiance for 8 months. I have never asked about her past and I know she had a relationship with a guy for 3 years until I came. I knew this from the beginning. I love her so much she is my first love and love of my life. I have been in love with her for 7 years. She was in my school. Just recently when I asked her that if she has ever done anything related to sex with her boyfriend she said no and swear ALLAH (Ta'ala) but when I talked to her about other girls why do they do or cross prescribed boundary of Islam with their boyfriends without even knowing that if they really going to get together and be married couple in future, she started to act weird and confused. So I finally asked her again that if she has ever done anything with him and this time I asked her to swear her on her deceased mother and she finally confronted that she has kissed him four times or more but nothing happened after or passed that limit. I asked her again if she is telling me the truth and only you have done kissing with him nothing more intimate, she said I swear I was worried that we are going to get married after a month and I hid it because it would harm our marriage. So my question is should I trust her and keep her and take her words? Because she lied to me with the oath of Allah Ta'ala. I know her that she is not lying that she hasn't done anything other than kissing but my male ego is bothering me. I try to forgive her but after some hours I get mad and emotional again. I am really confused that should I trust what she is saying or not. Should I keep her or not. Please help me with this.

Marital problems

Q: Me and my wife entered into nikaah almost 3 months ago. At the time of nikaah she accepted me as her husband in front of more than 100 family members. Our date of marriage was fixed in February 2017 but unfortunately during her stay at her home in these three months, misunderstandings grew and she is now not willing to live with me. I really want to carry on the nikaah and do not want divorce. What should I do according to the teachings of Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?

Marital problems

Q: My parents have been together for over 20 years but have had marriage issues for a very long time. Constantly fighting and arguing. Most of the time they do not speak to each other at all and my father has left the house three times but has come back. My parents even did their nikaah a second time the last time my father came back, for fear that their nikaah had become void by their separation. Now my father has come back again, but my parents have not spoken to each other at all for nearly 2 years. They do not say salaam to each other or even look at each other, let alone speaking to each other. We have tried mending their relationship numerous times, getting the elders involved, etc, but in the end they continue to fight and argue and it never works. The only reason they are staying together is because of us. Three of us are older and understand all this, but my youngest sister is 6 and my parents don't want to divorce for the sake of their children. However my mother is extremely worried that because of the way their marriage conditions are, their nikaah is not valid and it is haraam for them to live together. So taking into consideration all that I have said, and the fact my parents have not spoke to each other or had relations for nearly 2 years, is their nikaah now invalid and is it haraam for them to live together? My father has not actually divorced my mother by saying it verbally.

Haraam relationship

Q: My fiance and I were suppose to get married this month but he lost his job so he cancelled the wedding and now he is reading isthikara Salaah to see if we should get married after being with me for almost 3 years and I'm so scared and worried about a negative answer because I'm already in love with him. Please give me some advice as to whether it's right to read it when we came so far and so close to getting married. I am so worried I feel sick. When I first met him I read isthikara and dreamt of his mum giving me a gift and now he dreamt of a black cloth. I'm so worried really. Please give me some advice.

Being possessed by a jin

Q: I have a question about jinn possession. Someone in my family is, I think possessed by a jinn. He has be showing the symptoms of jinn possession and I don't know what to do. I am his younger brother 16 years old and he is in his late 20s. He doesn't listen to dad and has arguments with him about Qur'an and Allah Ta'ala. Now he usually just stays in his room all day, sleeps, doesn't go to work, stares at things for periods at a time, and has bad mood swings. Please if there is any advice on what to do.

Forgetting when delivering a bayaan

Q: I listen to Islamic lectures, 6 points and talks all the time and I always forget what they say almost instantly but afterwards if someone talks about a section from it I am able to easily recall it most of the time. But sometimes when I am in Jamat/Tableegh/Path of Allah, and I become appointed to give a bayaan/ talk on 6 points or something I can barely recall or access anything in my memory even though I have so much knowledge about it somewhere in my memory. What should I do?