consulting elders

Consulting one's elders with regard to marriage

Q: I like a person from my paternal family and I want to marry him. He is the son of my father's own sister. My parents are dead against this and they don't want to let this happen at any cost. They dislike the boy's family very much and also they are taking up illegal (black magic) activities to break this relation and get me back. Please suggest how to convince them or what to do?


Q: My parents had sent a proposal for a marriage for a girl for me. I prayed istikhara and the dream which I got was that the father of the girl accepting the proposal and writing the acceptance of the proposal for the engagement in front of my father and me. After the dream, then after a few months the girl just stopped talking to me randomly and things just got stopped there and we didn't move further can you let me know the meaning of the dream?


Q: After fajr prayers, I dreamt that I am in a big outdoor place with lots of people and behind me there were lots of big food that people were getting including a really big slice of pizza and bread. Although I can eat it, in my dream, I say no I have a lunch card and I am going to go and get my own food. I go to the counter to pay with my lunch card and the card turns out to be an old card that cannot be used, I see a young handsome man and inquires about me however that was brief and I walk away. As a walk away, it seems to be an old man but not that old who says to me 'you have passed' and now you should take the brooches. The brooches are a flower and in the colour blue, they are small and no crystals and the pin ends with the metal flower. I take one, he stops me and tells no take more. With my one, I take 3 more. I stand in line to buy my food. The line breaks and I have to join a different line but I didn't go to the end of the line so I stood in front of a well dressed black women and then I ordered a popcorn chicken.