Those situations where Talaaq takes place

Divorce via sms

Q: My husband send me divorce on sms. He give me divorce not in front of me. He just write I divorce you three times and send to my cell phone number by sms. Is divorce valid?

Divorcing a pregnant woman


1. A brother divorced his wife once, a talaq baain, then performed a new nikah. After that he divorced her as follows:

I hereby formally issue one talaaq baain to ..., on 28/03/1439 (17/12/2017) at 15:22 pm. I also make ta’leeq of another talaaq baain which falls on 28/04/1439, exactly one lunar month from now, thereby completing 3 talaaqs, according to what has been mentioned as the sunnah method of divorcing a pregnant woman. Is this the sunnah method of talaq for a pregnant woman.

2. Is it not repugnant to divorce a pregnant woman? Are there any ahadith for this?

3. After 3 divorces, does the son-in-law have to observe hijaab from his ex-mother in-law and is communication permissible?

Forcing one's husband to issue a talaaq

Q: I'm a 33 year old woman. My husband was an alcoholic. One day we got into a heated argument and I couldn't control myself and forced my husband to give me talaaq. He refused at first and kept quite. When I forced him he just told me "Go talaaq" just once and he repeated the same thing after somedays. I want to know if talaaq took place in this situation and how many?

Talaaq issued over the phone

Q: I have been married for 10 years. I had my 1st talaaq when my duaghter was 2 years old. We reconciled soon thereafter and now I have my 2nd talaaq over the phone when my husband moved out for the second time. Is a talaaq valid over the phone?

His reason for moving out is because I am always skelling. He is never home and I am doing everything; seeing to the kids food and the house. Somtimes he comes home very late at night and I am not allowed to even ask where he was. I don't know where he works or how much he earns. Furthermore I don't know where he is currently staying.

He always wants things his way. He wanted a second wife 4 years ago and it never happened. Ever since then things haven't been smooth. I told him that I'm going to MJC and he told me to because that is for people who doesn't know their deen. Ya Allah I love him tremendously. When I asked him today if my talaq is finalized, he said he will call me tonight. When he moved the 1st time he told me he thought the separation would help. I asked him if we cannot mayb have a separation period then a talaaq he said he tried but he tried nothing. I am prepared to make this work, please help.

Talaaq on WhatsApp

Q: I was recently married and have asked my husband for talaq because he is not providing for me and since I told him I'm pregnant he has not supported me or the baby, he is not with me cause he chose to walk out on us, he cannot provide a home or anything neither has he done anything as far as the pregnancy goes, I am doing this on my own but with support from my family. He did give me talaq but via watsapp, so I would like to know if the talaq is valid?