The name "Hamiz"
Q: Kindly let me know the meaning of the name Hamiz. Please advise if it is a good name for a boy and the preferable spelling.
Q: Kindly let me know the meaning of the name Hamiz. Please advise if it is a good name for a boy and the preferable spelling.
Q: I am looking for a name for my daughter. I want the name to start from zaa. Can you suggest for me some name? I first gave her zaari but my dad said surah azzairiyaat means scattering wind so now I want to change it. Please help me.
Q: Please advise if we are allowed to keep the following names for a baby boy: 1. Zayhaan 2. Zaydaan. I have been suggested these names and I am unsure of the meaning etc.
Q: What is the meaning of the Islamic (boy) name "Abu Zarr"? I know it is a sahabi's name, but some people told me this name doesn't have good effects on the personality or character. Is it true? Can you also tell about the personality/importance of Hazrat Abu Zarr Ghifari's character in Islam? Also, will it be good to pair "Abu Zarr" as first name, with last name "Zaeem" i.e. "Abu Zarr Zaeem"? Please urgent response is requested.
Q: I have choosen these names (Inhaan) (Mavin) (Minhaan) (Oruj) (E-Shaan) (ihaan ) (Aanis) (Talhaa ) (Danyaal) for my newly born son . Tell me which one is suitable for my son.
Q: I have a son and I want to name him. Please tell me any beautiful meaningful name for him and which will be very suitable for his career and health.
Q: Is it fardh to change name when one does not have an Islamic name?
Q: What is the meaning of name Raania and Rumaisa. Are they Islamic names and good for girls?
Q: After marriage my wife's name has been changed (from fathers to husband's), is it allowed in islam or not?
Q: My husband and I are having our first child and we also wanted your advice regarding two other names we have chosen, Zahrah and Laila. Please advise the correct spelling and if these are acceptable names to keep for our soon to be baby girl?