Oaths & Vows

Kaffarah for breaking an oath

Q: One of my friends is addicted to smoking. His father caught him many times. Yesterday his father caught him and he forced him to take an oath on Qur'an. He said "I will not do this thing again" and having his hand on Quran . He is 17 years old . He said I dont know how long my life is. If I break that Oath, what is the Kaffarah? Is there any way to revert it?

Breaking a vow

Q: I had made a vow that if I do a particular sin ever again in my life I will pray so many number of Rakaats. However I am finding it difficult to fulfill the vow because I keep relapsing into the sin. May Allah help me abstain.Am I allowed to change or break the vow so I no longer have to pray those many numberof rakaats?

Giving a sheep in sadaqah

Q: Some days back I admitted my wife in a hospital because she was pregnant and doctors have confirmed that the child in her womb may have some defect and he may not survive longer. On hearing this news from the doctors, my mother decided to sacrifice a sheep in the path of Almighty Allah and distribute the meat to the neighbours so that Allah's blessings will be showered upon us. After the delivery, the infant was admitted in the hospital for 9 days and by the grace of Allah, the baby is recovering too fast and today we were discharged from the hospital. Now my mother is insisting to sacrifice the sheep and distribute it among our neighbours but I am trying to convince her that we should give the sheep or sell the sheep or pay its cost (cost of that sheep) to the masjid (mosque) which is under construction. Now I want to know what will be the better option, to sacrifice it and distribute it among the neighbours or to pay its cost to the masjid?

Breaking a promise

Q: A Moulana was doing a bayan on the internet and the Moulana said how much of you miss salaat some times, so I raised my hand. He was on the internet talking and I was listening on my phone. Then he said how much of you will make sure you will not miss namaz again so I put up my hands and then the Moulana said that we need to put in our minds that when we put up our hands, the angels were witness that we put up our hands. From today, now insha Allah I try to read my 5 times namaz. If I miss a salah, not on purpose but some times for fajr if the time is near to end and I put my alarm and I miss it or I said that I'll wake up and when I wake up time was up. Do I have to give kaffarah because I raised my hands when the Moulana said who will not miss salah from today? Is that a promise?