
Charging a sponsorship fee to a foreigner

Q: I am working as a business sgent in UAE. As per law of UAE, any non-national investor must do a business agreement with a UAE nationality holder to set up any personal business in the UAE. For this business agreement, the UAE nationality holder charges an amount to the non-national investor and that amount is known as the sponsorship fee. As a business consultant, I settle the business agreement between the foreign investor and UAE national. For doing this service, the UAE nationality holder gives me a commission from his sponsor fee. Please advise me if this commission is halal or haram according to the ruling of Islam.

Taxi company charging a toll fee

Q: I often take a taxi to a neighbouring city. Whenever a person takes a taxi to that city, the taxi company charges a toll fee over the normal fee for the journey. On a few occasions, the taxi driver offered to not charge the toll by not plugging the charge into the meter. I am now worried that I may have cheated the taxi company by not paying them the toll amount. What should I do?

Earning a fee for referring clients to financial institutes

Q: Please can I have advice on the following. I have an accounting/bookkeeping practice and as a result I have many clients that ask me for assistance on insurance, retirement annuity and pension funds as well as other long term investments. With regards to this I have also been approached by a financial institute that would like to provide my clients with the following services:

- Business and or personal insurance

- Retirement annuity and pension funds

- Long term investments (Shariah and Non Shariah compliant)

- Medical aid

- Other services that will fall within similar categories

As a result of me referring my clients to the financial institution I will earn a referral fee initially once the client has signed up and in some instances the fee will also be earned in annuity (on going). Is this referral fee that I will be earning halaal or haram on these products? Will it be permissible on certain products such as the medical aids and the long term investments? Please could evidence be provided from the Quran and or Hadith.