
Walking with impure shoes on a carpet

Q: I stepped on some stool of an animal but was unaware until later in the day. The place I work is in a room that is carpeted. The day I was working, it was also raining making the soul of the shoe wet making me believe that the najasat has spread on the carpeted floor at my place of work. Now, as I work there on a regular basis I wanted to know:

1. If I would have to clean the carpet in the room?

2. How would I clean the carpet in the whole room as the carpet is stuck to the floor.

3. Would it suffice using a mop or wipes to just wipe over the carpet?

4. If I walked on the carpet again with wet shoes would the napaaki transfer from the carpet to my shoe to other areas e.g. car, home etc...


Q: Mujhe aksar khawab me betulkhala or Gandhi nazar aati hai aisa kai baar hochuka hai last time betul khala me haddiya matlab bones bhi nazar arahi thi


Q: I have seen stool in my dream and I flushed it. Kindly help me out with the tabeer of this dream.

Washing impurity from one's clothing

Q: My dress got soiled with stool and while I was washing it, my dress touched my body/thighs before squeezing the water from my dress. Then I continued washing my dress and squeezed it which means my dress is clean now. But this wet dress touched my body/thighs which became naapaak first and I did not wash it because I wanted to wash my dress first. So now did my dress become naapak again? If yes, so how many times should have I washed it - one time or three times? What if I have washed it only once and wore again and sat, slept, etc. Do I need to purify all the things?