Permissible and Impermissible employment

Employees receiving a bonus from the company

Q: I work for an engineering consulting firm. Our fees are mainly derived from consulting services for clients.

The firm is owned in a trust with the employees being the shareholders. The employees are allocated ‘shares’ based on their length of service and seniority in the firm. The employees do not buy any shares when entering into the firm, and neither do they sell any shares when leaving. Rather, the shares are merely allocated to them for the duration of their employment.

Every six months, a portion of surplus cash is allocated as profit and distributed amongst the employees according to their allocation of shares. The amount will be dependant on the performance of the company and the cash balance available at the time of allocation. No other bonus/13th cheque is paid. This profit share is over and above the regular salary that each employee receives.

Is this type of employment contract permissible?

Graphic designer using pictures of animate objects in his designs

Q: I am a Graphics Designer. I have been working on the software called Illustrator. This software is used to make logo, portraits and many other designs.

I work for different clients all over the world. In almost all the projects I have to make a picture of a human, animals and plants to make it attractive. But I came to know from somewhere that making these designs is forbidden in Islam. If yes, then why taking pictures is allowed?

I hope to get a detailed answer. If this is really forbidden then please suggest what I can create. I think in these ages its difficult to run away from pictures and drawings since they are every where. 

Getting money from ads on one's articles

Q: I write health related article for websites and they give me money according to my articles quality, articles views and for those whose ads are visible on my articles. But sometimes there are advertisements for Shopping Sites on my articles, and sometimes there are advertisements for any entertainment ads. I want to know if the money from these article are halaal or haram because sometimes there are entertainment ads on my articles 

Taking a fee for providing a service

Q: My husband knows some people who makes cards for work. They asked him to get people who want cards. If people go by themselves, they have to pay 80£ to do the test. If they fail the test they not going to get the card. But if you pay more, they can get the card for you without doing the test and you have to pay around 200£.

So my husband gets people and tells them it's 300£ for the cards. He takes them to get the cards and explains everything to them. He takes the money and pays 200£ to the people making the cards and takes 100£ for himself. Is this halal or is it a kind of riba? 

Mechanic fixing beer trucks

Q: I'm a Muslim and I work in a truck company. I'm responsible for all the mechanics in the trucks. Now we started working with a beer company called Heineken in Mozambique. I don't drink and I don't like to be involved with alcohol. I'm the one responsible for all trucks to be on the road.

My question is, is that job permissible for me?

Specializing in computer vision

Q: I am a computer science PhD and I want to specialize in Computer Vision. Please allow me to explain what this does with examples:

1. Self-driving cars use computer vision techniques to "perceive" the surroundings and make decisions (avoid passengers, avoid trees, recognize road sighs, etc.)

2. Security camera uses computer vision for smart, precise facial recognition (not the blurry survey cams)

While these seem to be permissible, it is important to know that this technique is built upon (especially for self-driving cars):

- use camera/sensor to gather data (mostly images/photos/other data) --> cleanly visualize the image by rebuilding the images in 3D--> construct math model for the images --> provide instruction for next move.

As you can see, in order for it to work researchers and engineers must take photos with cameras on car. They also need to build 3D models in computer of human, cars, animals, trees, etc. It is well-known that takings photos, making images, and 3D images of human beings is haraam (not permissible), even though the technology (computer vision) is extremely useful, even for Muslims and Muslim countries (the applications are too many to be named).

Can I study this field and work in this field?