first wife

Girl getting married without being divorced by husband

Q: One of my friends who is a girl married a boy 2 years ago. The boy's family misbehaved with her and her husband used to beat her sometimes for no reason and demanded materialistic things and even money. Then he fled to another country for almost a year and returned married to another girl without giving written or oral talaq to his first wife. He denied to accept her first wife.  Now the case is in court pending for final decision. 

1. Is it permissible for the man to marry another girl without the consent of his first wife?

2. Is it prohibited for the girl to marry again without the oral or written talaq given by her husband?

Marital problems

Q: I have two wives. I want to be just between them as much as I can. But my first wife in hindering it by getting annoying. Time and again giving me reference of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)'s reaction of finding out the intention of Hazrat Ali to marry second time. Giving me reference again and again that you cannot be just between two wives. Asking me questions again and again why I married second time. Bringing the topic of second wife again and again. Asking me the same questions again and again for which i have answered. When i decline to answer and choose to keep quiet, so matters dont get out of hand, she does not tolerate that. The last incident again, i came home late from work tired. and after an hour or so. she said i want to ask a question, which i immediately sensed will lead to argument, so i said, if the question is baseless then should not ask. then she started giving arguments to which i chose to remain quiet and the end she said, you attitude with me makes me doubt you. At that i went to the other room and slept. I am trying my best to be fair as i can. But she infuriates me time and again, intentionally or unintentionally i do not know. What can I do to solve this.

First wife requesting a divorce

Q: My first wife has said to me that if I go abroad to meet my second wife then I must give her (my first wife) divorce first. She is already living in a separate room from mine. She has had many outbursts before. The latest outburst came when she saw my passport. I have pleaded with and asked her in every way to be patient for the sake of the kids, but it seems that she does not see anyone besides herself. I have talked to her father but he has given up also and there is no one further I can ask to interfere and bring some kind of reconciliation between us. I do not want to divorce anyone.

Marital problems

Q: I have two wives, my first wife is here with me and second wife is abroad. My first wife has not come to terms with my second marriage. Instead of paying attention to her house and children, she was always prying about what im sending to my second wife and when I contact her. I had many times told her, that do not think of that, it is not your concern. Just concentrate on home here and children. But she went on it on and off, resulting in irritating me. I started to leave the room when she started so that the matter should cool off, as per instruction of my mother. But the last time i did first wife followed me and misbehaved with me with strict words and i retaliated back. After that she has separated her room. I am being normal with her but she is persisting in her attitude, my mother has tried to tell her, this is not doing any good to home or children, but her answer is i have cut of all contact with him (me). I will just give him food etc. other than that i have no relation with him. I am not forcing or anything now. Just complying with whatever she is doing. Please advise

Seeking permission from the first wife for second marriage

Q: I have recently got married last month but our honeymoon was full of eyn (bad eye) and shytan. During the honeymoon my wife would talk and have open conversations with taxi drivers and walk ahead of me and always on her phone and we had a fight where I lightly slapped her on the side of her head. Also she did not allow me to have sex with her for the last 7 days of the honeymoon. She did not respect me and was very rude in the manner she spoke to me in and 2 nights she slept in a different room! She would always be on her phone and not talk to me I told her many times I don't like this but she said I don't care! There have been soooo many issues during this time! She has disrespected me telling me that I do not want your money and take ur presents back!

Before the honeymoon she had asked for divorce 4 times because I contact her too much call and text too much. When she went home she told her family about me slapping her and her family obviously went crazy n want divorce now but it's still debatable!!

So I am now in a situation where there is another lady I loved before this arranged marriage and I wish to marry her. Do I need by islam to confirm with the first wife or should I wait till I'm divorced?? I want to know what to do and what is halal and what is haram. 


Q: I want to know shares in iheritence according to sharia. My father had 2 wives, frst wife A had 3 sons and 1 daughter and the frst wife had passed away 60 years ago. Then my father married to my mother from whom he has 3 sons and 2 daughter. One son of wife A recently passed away a year ago who was not married at the time of death. Now please tell me whether the deceased's frst wife of my father will get her share or not in property. My father and my mother both are alive Alhamdulillah. Also tell me if my deceased step brother, who was not married, will get a share or not. Inheritence is of my grandfather who passed aaway a long time ago.

Marital problems

Q: I would like your advice, other than interpretation of dreams, regarding my first wife. It is understandable the shock she had about hearing about my second marriage, but at that point I did not deny it and I accepted it and told her the circumstances and reasons for taking this step. Now she is in constant denial and acceptance. For a while she relaxes and then starts again, suffering herself and making me suffer too. I would like to say that my second wife is in Indonesia. And I have told my first wife many times, that look at the big picture, I am here, with you alive and well, but she sometimes gets relieved, but after a short while, she starts again. It is affecting me very hugely, because I am in a high pressure job. First wife also had gynecological problems. I am taking her for medical help, but that will only work if she believes in herself . I need your advice.