
Employee not fulfilling conditions of a contract

Q: A certain person who works at a school decided to leave with a two week notice. The contract states that a three month’s notice period must be given, which is not correct according to the labour law. The labour law states that one month’s notice must be given. However, the board has decided that if the notice period is not served, the employee must pay them three months salary. The current month will not be paid and the employee must pay them for the other two months. Is this condition correct in the light of Shari’ah?

Taking leave from work

Q: Our office says that we have 22 paid leaves in a year, and we can utilize them in any case of emergency. But if there are no emergencies then you cannot take a leave, and after a year if there are some leaves left they will be wasted, because we didnt utilized them.

At the end of the year if we did not fall sick or needed any emergency then our leaves are wasted. My problem is that I spend 9 hours in the office and remaining few hours in home, do the normal stuff like prayer, eating, house things, so I have very less time for Quran studies and Arabic studies. I have started it but the progress is slow and I want to do more but time is not there.

So now I cant take leave saying that I want to learn Quran or Arabic, I will have to fall sick or any emergency, or else it will be a lie, but I know each minute is important, I want to use this time in a good way, Allah is my top priority not the job, so how can I use those 22 leaves for a better purpose, compared to doing stuff at office.

Can I lie to my boss that I am sick and then I study and learn Islam all day, is that right?

Getting paid for an absent day

Q: If I took leave on some working day of job and the HR/admin has mistakenly updated that I was present at that day in online system and the HR has asked me to sign on that day and I also signed forgetfully that I was absent that day in confusion, then only I realized that I have made a mistake. Now, that day's salary will be haraam or halaal for me? I asked HR to change the present as absent but he said it is not possible now. What should I do? Can I work on compensatory working days without any extra pay and make that up?