
Leaving one's gay husband

Q: I am married to a gay man for 16 yrs. What should I do? I feel betrayed and confused. He is a good Chinese Muslim in my eyes but he just told me he that he has an urge for man but never intended to fufil it. I do not know what to do and why I'm tested like this.

Gay feelings

Q: I have gay habits in me and I am seeing a Muslim man. I am in my 30s and not married due to home responsibilities as I am taking care of my mum who has no legs and in a wheelchair. It worries me that I have these feeling in me from an early age. Please advise.

Permissible and impermissible tenants on one's property

Q: Is it permissible to leases one's premises to the following entities:

(1) A Muslim that sells electronics, including DVD movies and music CDs.

(2) A Muslim, male insurance broker.

(3) A Muslim, female accountant.

(4) A Muslim, female attorney.

(5) A non-Muslim, female General Practitioner (that will attend to both males and females.)

(6) A non-Muslim, female gynecologist.

(7) The offices of a non-Muslim government (including places like the Department of Home Affairs, Department of Labour, etc.)

(8) A Christian funeral parlor that, in addition to coffins, sells funeral plans.

(9) Two gays.