Pictures & Videos

Covering pictures with stickers

Q: My mother purchased a trolley online which will help her when she buys groceries. We could choose different designs and one of the designs was one which had multiple prints of cartoon owls on them. We didn’t buy that one and opted for a suitable one but the owl one was mistakenly delivered. Is it permissible to keep it? I don’t want to go through the hassle of having it returned because it is a big product and I think with bigger products we need to pay more for it to be returned.

Drawing pictures that resemble humans

Q: I wanted to ask if all of the following are haraam:

1. Painting an impressionistic drawing of human, meaning a blurr or a silhouette to represent a human but not clearly painting the features.

2. Drawing a human figure with no face with the sole purpose of representing clothes.

3. Drawing cartoons with very unrealistic features for example a triangle for a nose and dots for eyes.

4. Drawing humans without a face.