
Gaining knowledge of the development of the fetus through a scan

Q: As we recite the Holy Quraan and we see in Surat e Luqman that some kind of knowledge is with Allah and no one knows about that. For example when will it rain and what is inside of the women, either male or female and when and where will the person die. So nowadays we see the technology that every one knows that what is inside a female's abdomen. So is there controversial that the new tafseer will change from the old one and what answer will we give to non muslims when we explain these ayaats.

Reciting duas and Quraan in a bathroom without a toilet

Q: A person has a bathroom with a sink, shower, etc. The toilet is enclosed in a shower door type enclosure. So the rest of the bathroom is not considered the toilet. Would it be correct to recite duas etc. there when making wudhu? Will it be fine to take a Quran inside the bathroom, recite Quran there whilst watching children in the bath? Not in the toilet, but in the rest of the bathroom.