Performing umrah a day after reaching Makkah Mukarramah
Q: We will be travelling to Jeddah for a month on umrah visa. Is it necessary to do umrah on the same day we land or we can do umra the next day? My husband is in Jeddah.
Q: We will be travelling to Jeddah for a month on umrah visa. Is it necessary to do umrah on the same day we land or we can do umra the next day? My husband is in Jeddah.
Q: While performing tawaaf during Umrah, my chest faced the Kabah. I cannot recall whether it was due to crowds pushing or another reason. I did not repeat that particular round of tawaaf.
1. Is my Umrah valid?
2. Should I repeat the Umrah or give dam/sadaqah?
Q: My father had made arrangements for umrah. The process went as far as getting to the airport. By the will of Allah, his passport and documents were mislaid at the airport. All efforts were made to find them but because of time constraints, the rest of the group had to continue with the blessed journey and my father could not go.
1. In terms of sawaab, will my father receive the full sawaab?
2. My siblings and relatives had initially all contributed towards the cost of the trip. Due to love and emotion, I wish to send him in a few months time. Is it permissible for me to take a loan to pay for his trip and then I will settle the loan as my own? Should I make it known to him if the loan option is allowed?
Q: I want to perform umrah but my husband does not have the time. He said that you have to go with your son. My son is 12 years old and he is baligh as per sharia law but he is not 18. I have doubt on it. Kindly tell me if it is possible to perform umrah with my son?
Q: I would really like to know the exact and correct Hanafi method of performing Umrah in detail, i.e. from the very beginning till the end. (I do not require anything on hajj. Only the Umrah itself) Where to put on Ihraam, where to go from there, what are the duas, what intentions to make, how to make tawaaf, how to make sa'ee, what duas to recite during them, where to drink zam zam, how to make dua standing on safaa and marwa etc. I want to know everything in detail recommended for a Hanafi to carry out in Umrah. Also, I will be visiting Musjid-un-Nabawi and the blessed grave of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). I would like to know the aadaab and etiquettes upon visiting them. Also the aadaab upon entering Madinah Munawwarah.
Q: We are a group of girls (18-34). We would like to go on umrah soon and was wondering if it is permissible to go without a mahram even though we are +17 in the group and in niqaab. Some of us don't have a father nor brothers.
Q: I was performing Qiraan Haj. I arrived in Makkah performed my umrah and I still had 3 days more before hajj started.
1. Can I perform another umrah?
2. If I can perform another Umrah, would it be required for me to go to the Miqaat make intention and come back to perform the Umrah since I am still in Ihraam?
Q: I am a makkah resident who has done umrah this year 1437. Insha Allah I will be doing my first hajj. I intent to do an umrah in zul qa'dah for my deceased grandmother (passed away yesterday). Since I am a Makkah resident having niyyat to do hajj; performing umrah for myself is not permitted. Is it permissible to do umrah for the deceased?
Q: During umrah is it jaiz to touch the ghilaaf of the Ka'bah and to kiss the hajr-e-aswad?
Q: Can I perform umrah for my parents as they are alive?