

Q: My mother saw a dream around 6:30am that she is alone in our house with my grand parents n they were crying aftr some time my uncle and aunty came and kept a white dupatta on her head and started crying and there were alot of people around our house and all of sudden some people came with my father's body and we all started crying my mother is very stressed after this dream. Please help us to know what does it mean.


Q: I saw a dream after fajr where I went to my friend's house. It was all white. Suddenly I was standing before the stairs and a black cat jumped on my lap. My friend advised me not to move. I did not move but the cat puts its nail on my hand. I could feel the pain and even when I woke the pain was there. What is the tabeer of this dream? 


Q: I saw a very beautiful baby which is my baby and I am playing with him and feeding him. What does it mean?


Q: I have seen a dream that my friend and me smell the glue gas for nasha and then my friend stop and turn on Ac and then I saw myself in a swimming pool where I am swimming and go deep down and stay deep for long time like 2 hour it feel and I am also taking breath I feel I can stay in water and live .but it was too much long time in swimming in pool water . I said enough and then came out I was at my chacha home and there I saw them sleeping chacha but Chaci ek dum wake up and .my chacha told me to give ticket booking a person who came to work in their home and I went their to my cousin and said where were u I was waiting for u pool and got sleeep in swimmming deep u should come for me but u are sleeping and then I went to give ticket booking a worker and he saw and said this is Pia I have told ur chacha that I need other airline Saudi airline I have that pia too buy from other agency and I said ok I will make it tomorrow. Just wake up I saw dream 11 to 1 pm and hazrat I use to nasha and my business travel agency tooo. Can u tell me tabeer of it coz I don't get dream at that time . Is something that Allah wana tell me?


Q: I dreamt that we were in the car and it was myself and my husband. My husband was the driver. Whilst we were in the car driving we came to a stop street and the road ahead had different lanes. So as we proceeded when it became our right of way, the road I assumed my husband was going to take, he didn't. He decided to take the new road. As he proceeded towards the new road, to our surprise it dipped. I can't begin to describe what we felt at that moment. When we looked ahead of us, our hearts were in our throats. Our life flashed before our eyes. I just started reading kalima. It was as if we were on a roller coaster. The drop was so deep and scary .It's like we fell in a very deep hole. I woke up with a shock and quickly looked at the time and it was 4:23am. 


Q: I kindly request for my dream to be interpreted. I had this dream 3.30am Friday morning.

I recently recommended a boy for marriage that I know. I had a dream that we were preparing for his mother's janaazah who is currently still alive. Her hair was exposed short and grey and quickly covered. Then as the Janaazah was laid down outdoors I stood with my 7 year old son in preparation for the Janaazah salaah. Just then a bus load of people arrived for the Janaazah. The bus rolled back in soft ground causing the two Janaazahs to get totally buried below the soft ground. I was very shocked and ran up to the bus driver who happened to be a lady. Shouted at her but she said that there was nothing that she can do about it. Then the dream ended. Please kindly interpret.


Q: I dreamt that I went to take my Nani somewhere. She used me as a support whilst we were walking. I was surprised at how fast we were travelling. We went past a Jamaat Khana and I saw a Muslim brother around my age sitting on the stoep. I thought about being careful about not feeling pride and showing off when assisting my Nani.

We were now in a grassy area. We saw my previous Doctor (a Muslim) ahead. My Nani said that I must meet him and leave her here.

The Doctor was very happy to see me. However, he resembled a teenager with jeans, blue-coloured braces on his teeth, etc. He asked if I am a Haafizul-Qur'an. I replied in the negative and said that I have done two paras, but refrained after two months (I am not a Haafiz and this is not true in reality). He commented on the green colour on my arm. I realized I was wearing a certain jacket. I felt unconformable and started removing it. (In reality, I stopped wearing this jacket due to the bright, fancy colours). My Nani shouted to me from the distance to tell the Doctor something. I was surprised at how loud she could speak and how strong she became.

I left the Doctor and went to a small stone staircase. My cousin and his nephew were there. An old, stone church was there. I went up the staircase into a cool and shady garden surrounding the old stone church.

A 27-year old Muslim man from the Akhirat came walking to us. My relatives were familiar with him and we had a small conversation. The man then told me that Hadhrat Abu Bakr Radhiyallahu ‘anhu and Hadhrat 'Umar Radhiyallahu ‘anhu sends their Salaams for me. I was sitting on the floor. I was surprised at this. I asked: "Does Hadhrat Abu Bakr Radhiyallahu ‘anhu and Hadhrat 'Umar Radhiyallahu ‘anhu know who I am?" The man indicated positively.

I felt surprised and also embarrassed that such individuals are sending me their Salaams whereas I am a type of person that looks at animate images and videos, listens to music, and does not perform all Fardh Namaaz (All this is true.)

The dream then ended and I woke up. I responded to the Salaams when I woke up.

I ask if this could please be interpreted.

Istikhara regarding employment

Q: I have a question about istekhara which I did about my job. I did istekhara 2 times (every time 7 times). In dreams I saw different colours like white, black, red, and green. Some nights I saw good dreams and some times bad. So I can't judge either this job will be successful for me or not in my life and after this. Some time in my heart I feel this is good and I should apply for this job but some time I am afraid. so I can't make a decision about this. please guide me and give me brief reply for my satisfaction. 


Q: Can Mufti Saheb please interpret my dream.

I was standing outside with my maŕried daughter and looking into the sky to show my daughter aeroplanes coming from a distance. After a while some doves came flying over us from the direction we were looking into. The doves were greyish in colour and the were suddenly followed by many white doves that settled onto the roof of our house.


Q: I had a dream that I was looking at my hand and there were new green color bangles in my hands, I was so happy looking at them that I realised that very old and ugly bangles were mixed with the new bangles too. I separated the ugly ones and gave them to my sister in law that I don't need these anymore because I have new ones. (After few months after this dream my husband divorced me and I am trying to get a job but it seems so hard, in disappointment I thought about this dream, could you please give me interpretation of this dream? I was thinking that if those ugly bangles were divorced for me then what was the meaning of new bangles?