

Q: I want to know my dream interpretation, I saw today after fajar a dream: Im in my university hostal that my parents come to take me from there it is the night tym, im worried that what caused them to pick me at this late time, i took my bag nd ready to go but im not being able to find my footwear, i asked my frnd to find for me, she found the chappal and gave it to me, im worried as i m unaware of the circumstances and moved outwards toward the gate.. Then scene changes, im at unknown place, my family is there too its raining a bit, they are waiting for some guest, i had this in mind that some function is gonna start at our home for that the guests are awaited,.weather is rainy too.. Later i realize that its gonna be some ceremony related to my marriage, i thought to myself that they should have told me so that i could have invited my friends.. Then i saw my hostal room mate is also there i wasnt aware of her presence yet and my cousin takes out her dress to get ready. . Meanwhile im thinking that its gonna b heck to get prepared for the function especially doing with my upperlip hair... .. .. .. ... Im 22yr old unmarried University student.., this was a clear dream means I remembered every bit of it.


Q: In the morning,  after I dropped my children of at school, I sleep for 1 hour. At that time I saw a dream that I am seating in latrine and I saw in the basin there was roti which I flushed the roti. Can u please explain the dream am very upset


Q: My daughter passed away in an accident about 3 weeks ago. Couple of days ago I dreamt that I knocked on the door of the bathroom in my previous house. The door opened and instead of the bathroom there was a room with a big tub filled with water and my son and daughter were standing behind it. There was a light at the back and I said this is Khidr (alaihis salaam) and I shouted at the top of my voice. Then I woke up. Could you tell me the interpretation of the dream.

Dreaming of a toilet

Q: What is the dream interpretation about toilet? From many years I am seeing that I am in the very dirty toilet and every where is toilet around me, but few days I saw a very neat and clean white toilet and I am standing inside it and suddenly my elder sister comes there and she did something and toilrt become dirty send after that immediately another second toilet becomes clean again.plz interpret this dream..


Q: In my dream I found out that my brother in law is possessed by a jinn and Hunn which wouldn't always be with him but temporarily Whenever he'd be possessed by one he use to go into a room and lo k himself in there I one day approached and and asked him why are u hiding this from ur parents ur dad he said because they wouldn't pay for me to be cured


Q: Few months ago I saw a dream in which a dangerous looking man was staring at me standing opposite the road and giving me evil eye. He was staring such, that people around the road were also astonished and talking about evil eye and I was scared in that dream. Does this mean something?

In my life many critical things are happening especially related to my ibadah which doesn't make any sense to me. My duas are also not answered. Actually the opposite of the dua is happening and I pacify myself that there is something good in it. Is my thinking ok? I read 3 quls after every prayer and read thrice every morning and evening aytul qursi. I read manzil and before I sleep and 3 quls and aytul qursi. What else should I do? 


Q: I have seen a dream in morning time that there is land where I see battle going to start and one country is Pakistan I think and another land is Iran. And then I saw samandar beach and I was in outside in a ship or in something and saw large shark coming swimming and fetching a little fish and eat and suddenly that shark jump on ship and start to attack us and other shark also came that ship and we start to run and I saw shark coming toward attack me but when he came near me shark did nothing and passes me.


Q: In khwaab I have seen I am sitting in a Musjid and it is very beautiful and I am telling someone near by sitting close to me that I have not seen this Musjid before. Then we go to another Musjid which is on long distance and I have seen my bosses house near by the Musjid. 


Q: I have seen a dream that I am going on moon with some other people and reached at some place near moon seems like station and that place has a wall. I jumped on to wall and looked down and I saw a moon with bluish light above it and someone says to me to jump from wall to the moon but I am fearing of being lost in space so I got down from wall. The moon was looking so much beautiful. Kindly answer what does it mean.