

Q: This morning I had a dream that I was getting married again to the person I am already married to. My wife was dressed in a wedding dress. Does this mean anything? People say that wedding symbolizes death which I do not believe in.


Q: In a dream I saw a full lighted beautiful moon on the top of our home and suddenly the name of Muhammad was written on it with white color and the lightness spreads over the sky and first 3 or 4 ayaat of Surah Yaseen were written on the sky with white light but I read only Yaseen, Wal-Quaranil Hakeem and then I woke up. Within ten days of this dream, I saw another dream at the time of Fajr that I am in a market and someone tells me that Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is in a next house please go there. And I go there and ask where is my beloved Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and one person tells me that, He (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is taking rest in first floor , I request him to call him (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) so that I can see him please. Then I see that Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is standing in a middle of stairs and comes down to me. No person with us. He is looking in a young age like 22 or 23 years, He wears white shining Arabic dress and green umama (Cap). He offers me to please pick my hand in stairs and then he jumps to me and I hug him. I hug him (Chest to Chest) and I request him with full tears (Full of Weeping) that please promise me that you will take me in heaven and he replies , ok I will do it, Then I request same two times with hugging and with full of tears and he replies same ok I will do. And then I leave him from chest (meaning hug).


Q: A sister considering a proposal for marriage had the following dream after performing salaatul istikhara and would be grateful if it can be interpreted. In the first part she is at the proposers house and he is ironing, she turns around and there's a cupboard, she opens it and there's the proposers clothes neatly hanging. In the second bit he is washing a dish and wearing a red woolen jumper over a shirt and jeans. Any guidance on the matter would be much appreciated.


Q: My aunt sees dreams rarely but whenever she sees something in the dream, she believes that some sort of happening takes place. Two days before she saw in the dream that her husband is bleeding by mouth and his internal organs are coming out of his mouth like kidneys and so on. She is collecting them. And when she goes to pass the stool, nothing passes but a bunch of black hair. Moreover their children have been seeing lizards and snakes for two days in their dreams. Please help her in this regard as she is too much worried and wants to know its effect.


Q: I saw a dream last night that I went somewhere for taaziyat. I see myself pregnant there. My maternal aunt (who's mentally a child till now) says you'll have a baby boy and asks me not to tell this to anybody. I have recently lost my baby boy. Kindly tell me the meaning of this dream.


Q: I had a dream my husband and I were getting attacked by wild dogs but found shelter with very strange people i.e they where non-muslims and dressed very openly. I also saw the dog attack a young child and father. We were then driving around in a known area that looked very deserted, could you please interpret my dream.


Q: I saw in a dream that the sky burst and there is a hole and part of sky is coming towards the ground.


Q: I did istakhara for marriage and I saw in the dream that there was a very large gathering of people and marble floor in which I didn't easily walk and went down to the stairs. I saw broken scissors in two pieces. I want to know the meaning of this dream and also know either is it good or bad for me.


Q: What does it mean reciting la illaha illallah and surah nas and killing evil like creatures in dreams?


Q: My wife has seen a dream that she is going to some where with her ex-sister in law. She was walking on beach with her. Her sister in law asked her for new clothes to wear, my wife gave her clothes and her sister in law wore it. Her sister in law asked about the price of that clothes to buy. My wife told her that it cost me 16000. Her sister in law said that you married to rich man and you are asking for money. In the same dream, my wife saw me coming and we went on the same beach with bare foots. Suddenly, she saw mountains of sands of same beach. I told to her that lets go on the mountain and she tried to stop me because she feared the sand quagmire. I insisted and went ahead. She came after me and suddenly the water came in and she fall due to pressure of water and reached to beach again. Then she saw her cousin on the beach. She told him about the whole thing. Suddenly she saw the sand mountain was being opened where I went to see. I was going inside the opened sand mountain. My wife and her cousin ran to me. When they came near the sand mountain they heard my voice calling my wife's name. She came inside from where I was calling. She witnessed it like a grave. She saw me in that grave along with a unknown women. She saw on the head side of there were jewellery and gold. Along with that gold there were baby black snakes. She saw me picking up gold and she was verbally stopping me to not put hand in it. She told me that it might doesn't belong to us people keep it for themselves. But she saw that I was happy and picking it up the gold and took baby black snakes away from that gold. She saw me picking up gold and suddenly she saw that snake on her hand. She saw old place not that grave that We were trying to kill the snake with broom but the snake didn't bite my wife neither me. She shook her hand to get rid of the snake and she woke up. Kindly, tell me the taaber of this dream. I will be thankful to you.