

Q: I want to know the meaning of my dream. Last few days back I saw a dog in my dream standing next to me. Today I saw a lizard.


Q: A person dreamt her sister in law was wearing her clothes and giving her a look/or told her "so what do you have to say?!"


Q: A person dreamt that she was making tawaf but the haram was absolutely empty. She was the only person.


Q: I want to know the meaning of my dream. We have just shifted to a new house. It's been 3 days today. I had a dream that I am sleeping and next to me there is a dog light brown in colour. I got scared and woke up. It was 9 o'clock.


Q: I saw the following dream after fajar prayers. I was on my roof. I saw two aeroplanes flying, they were so close to each other that I thought they both would collapse and their height was close to my roof that they appeared big. I was very scared I called out to my bhai but then they flew high and they got distant from each other too.


Q: Allahumdulliah I have being attending some tajweed lessons and doing the letters also the two Surahs (Sura Duha and Sura Inshiraah). I normally test it by the wife. This morning I had a dream that in my dream with no inclination or intention of doing Hifz that in my dream I was reading the two Surahs to my wife like how I normally do and she was listening to me. After a while she tells me I must start Hifz by her and today we finished Sura Dhua. my tomorrow's sabaq will be the next sura. Mufti Saheb in the dream exactly how I have being reading normally to her with emphasis on tajweed from Sura Fatiha that is exactly how it was in the dream as if it was happening how it happens in real life that where I have being making mistakes she helps me correct it, and with the letter from the throat how she puts her finger when teaches me in the dream its exactly the same.

Passing away in a dream

Q: Please interpret this dream I had 2 days ago. Just as a matter of interest both my parents are still alive. They always are going through marriage difficulties since I was little.

I dreamt that both my parents had passed away. (The dream didn't show me how my mother passed away but however my father passes away in a car accident). After a little while my father got up. I thereafter told my brother that I always thought that our father would pass away first so our mother could forgive our father.

I am really confused. I normally don't remember the dreams I have but this one is playing on my mind. I haven't yet mentioned it to my parents.


Q: I had a dream! Usually I don't look in to it but this time I felt I had to! I was sleeping next to a friend and I put my hand down on my male gentiles, and from the tip to the bottom of the bell it fell off, all was on the right hand side! So the left was ok and it was in the shape of a pear drop! I then cried and the friend was laughing. I've never had such a messed dream before! There was no blood or anything of the sort.


Q: I had a dream it was the day of youmul-qiyaamah and my family and I were preparing and standing outside our home waiting for Allah to take us away. It felt so real to me as if I was on my last few momemts and beging for forgiveness and that Allah should grant my family and I jannah. It was a real feeling and when I awoke this dream just made me cry thinkng about that day. I keep thinkng about what it could mean.