
Receiving rental from a house that was purchased with haraam money

Q: My grandparents won a lottery of 1 lakh rs around 20 years ago. They then added some amount to this lottery amount (around 35K rs) and purchased a home. Thereafter, one of my family members lived in that house. Presently that house is on rent and we receive a rent of around 10K rs per month. I came to know that lottery is haram. So what should be done now?

Family problems

Q: My mother wants to leave her husband's house and stay in a rental house, because she is fed up with hardship and hard luck though they (mum and dad) are hardworking, investing and striving, yet still no change.

My grandfather married four wives, but it is just the three family's that are living in the same place (compound). My grandfather had passed away. My father is the eldest son of the three family's, he wants to share the compound (land) into four (four wives) because the last last wife's children are claiming authority over the place and are not in favour of the share though the other parties have agreed to the share.

The compound is so dirty, meaning the black magic, witch, sorcerer's work, nuts had been buried in the compound from all the three parties. There is now hatred, envy, bad heart and fighting especially between my father and the last wife's family. Due to all this and more, for 21 years now.

Let me outline my mother's point for her leaving the house.

- recently, her son (my younger brother) passed away. An old woman (a neighbour) had told her that she (old woman) dreamt her (my mother's) dead son saying she should leave the house. I have two brothers, but it is now me and my youngest brother

- Lack of happiness, love, comfort in the compound and even from her husband

- jealousy and evil eye

- her dreams are mix up and frightening

- because of the fighting from the last wife's party.

- No respect for her husband (the eldest son) and it seems black magic is used on him for no prosperity, no growth...

- the compound is not comfortable, it is filthy, demoted, rats every where and the house had wearied out

- And the mother (my grandmother) of her husband had once told her that if her son (my dad) is continuing to stay there, he will not prosper. My mum has been persuading dad to find somewhere for them to stay while he is processing the sharing of the place. But my dad is firm in not leaving his father's house because it is an expense under rental, but my mother's elder sister (staying in America) will pay the rent for a year and perhaps the following years. My dad said he didn't see anything that should make her leave because he provides the basic needs, shelter (worn out zinc house).

- Mum wants her and dad to transfer to the rented house by the end of the month but because mum's sister is paying the rent is another reason for him not to leave. My mum want to take my youngest brother (9 years old) with her but dad refute this, and said she can go, with the two girls (another elder sister's daughters, she is dead now) she is taking care of.

We are Muslims with little Islamic knowledge. The rented house can be another home for him where he can drive to, (own a mini van), rest, spend the night(s) if he doesn't want to leave his father's house. To me if she continue to stay there she will become sick because with all her thoughts about the evil eye, malice, envy, backbiting, abusing and insulting noisily, no respect from the children, no control, no regards for her husband (as the eldest son). The compound is physically, morally, emotionally and spiritually abnormal/unclean/unfit. She has made up her mind and psychologically it will affect her negatively if she continue to stay with him. My dad did not want to repair or develop his apartment because the compound is about to be shared/divided, then he can develop a structure on his own part. Does she has the right in Islam to leave though my father had permitted her but he is angry? 

Goodwill pagdi system

Q: I have a question related to an old rented property system called pagdi system. My friend had a shop in 2002 and he wanted to give it for rent. But unfortunately the old pagdi rented system was imposed at that time and most of the properties were rented on this system. So he also accepted the pagdi rented system and gave it for pagdi rent based...

The rules in this system are mentioned below:

1) The total price of the shop is 200 000

2) The owner gets half of the amount 100 000 at the start of the pagdi rented system from the tenant

3) The rent was fixed at Rs 700 per month and after every 11 months 10% has to be increased. For e.g. If the rent was Rs 700 in 1st Jan 2002, then on 12th Dec 2002 the amount of rent has to be increased by 10% (700×10÷100=70)

4) So After 11 months, the amount is Rs 770 which again has to be increased by 10% after 11 months

5) The whole system is based on that and continues.

6) The amount of the shop now in 2017 is approx. 20 000 000

My question is that the Ulama gave the fatwa that pagdi system is haraam in Islam. All the pagdi system has to be ended and only the pure rented income is halaal. So after this, my question is that my Friend is the owner of the shop but the tenant left the shop in 2012 due to some personal reasons and also informed my friend who is the owner of the shop that he left the shop and he will come back soon but he did not come back after one year. He took out all of his furniture, assets and everything from the shop and also can't give any rent From 2012 to 2017  My Freinds Shop Was Closed And he did not get any Benefit from it He File the Case with the Court About all this situation And After Few Years The Court Ordered him the Case In his favour As An Ex Partee (Because the tenant Not Presented in Any Session of the Court) And My Freind Declared  as a Legal owner of the Shop  By The Court Of Law... It Is Halal To get The Shop In this way? Because We live in An Islamic Ideology State Pakistan And All The Rules & Regulation Of the Court Law is based on the Principles of Islam...

Q Is My Friend Feel Free In All this Way that it is Halal?

Q Is he be able to do his business in this shop According to Islam?