
Using medication containing ethanol

Q: I am 24 years old and suffer from pcos which is a common hormonal condition in women of reproductive age. It affects people differently. In my case I have it quite severely, excessive facial and body hair, unexplained weight gain and balding of the scalp. Alhumdulilah, through medication and diet I have tackled the first two issues, however the baldness is hard to treat medically. I have seen specialists and they have put me through medication that helps a little but I am still losing my hair. It makes me really sad and anxious. I was told by my gynaecologist to buy this product called regaine which will inshallah make the hair grow back in the places where I have bald spots. I went to buy it today but saw that it had ethanol in it and I was weary whether or not I can pray with this on, so I didn't purchase it. Is it permissible to use this product that contains ethanol, it goes on the scalp.

Cure for baldness

Q: I have heard many times that there is shifa for each and every disease in reading Qur'an. I am suffering from hair loss, baldness severely and want to know if there is any Surah with which I can benefit or from Tibbe Nawabi. Honestly speaking I am suffering from baldness from last 11 years and still have hope in Allah that this will be cured. Can you please suggest as per our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) remedies or reciting of any Surah.