
Delaying Salaah till the end of the Salaah time due to an uzr (excuse)

Q: Once, a few pimples on my scalp burst while I was showering and would not stop bleeding. The time for fajr salaah was almost up and my entire body was impure as the water from my head (that was still bleeding) had run all over my body. I tried to wash as much of it as I could but the majority of my body was still impure. I made wudu and performed salaah anyway, just before the time ended. Was this salaah valid? If not, what should I have done in a situation like this?

Pimples on one's scalp

Q: I have been suffering for a while from persistent acne on my scalp. It seems nearly all the pimples on my head (and there are a lot) are filled with pus and when they pop, a lot of pus and blood comes out. They are also very sensitive and tend to pop even at a slight touch or even just by themselves.

1. Must I shower every time a pimple pops or can I pray after wiping as much blood away as I can?

2. If I check to see that a popped pimple has stopped bleeding, then I shower, do I have to recheck again after the shower to see if there is blood, or can I just get out of the shower without checking again (sometimes when I am rechecking with a tissue, this make the pimple bleed again)?

3. What if I was not aware of any popped pimples before I got into the shower, do i have to check for bleeding when I am done?

4. Also, sometimes I wipe my head and see blood on tissue but I cannot locate where the bleeding pimple is on my head, in this case can I just wait a certain amount of time, assume the pimple has stopped bleeding and shower?

5. Also, I am a woman and have long, relatively thick hair and the acne on my head is making it difficult to keep, not to mention the pimples itch so much and some are quite painful. If the acne becomes even worse, am I allowed to cut or shave my hair to make my scalp easier to treat?

6. Lastly, is there an Islamic treatment I can apply to my head for something like this.