
Not stopping to help at an accident scene

Q: Yesterday I saw a very bad accident on the highway. I was in a taxi and the accident happened behind us. The taxi driver did not stop. I called the rescue services and kept my phone in my hand. While my call was picked up, for a few seconds as I was probably thinking what to say. When I listened to the voice it was a recording saying that the number was busy and call later. Now I am not sure whether someone initially picked up my call and then cut it or it was recording all along. I asked my brother to call the rescue services but he said that the other taxi driver stopped where the accident happened. At that moment I kept quiet but when I got home I started regretting that I did not try to call the rescue services again and what if people nearby called late and that person may have died due to that. I don't even know what happened there afterwards and I feel extremely guilty. How do I prevent myself from feeling like that because I never reacted?