
Keeping good names for children

Q: Can we select some good name to name a child like that of a Sahaabi (Radhiyallahu Anhu) by ourselves or is it necessary to ensure that the given good name (like that of Sahaaba kiraam) is suitable for child. Actually, some of my friends say that even if you select a good name for the child, you have to consult a religious teacher who will check whether it is suitable for him, it should not be heavy on him, it should not affect his health or personality. Kindly clear this doubt.

Changing one's surname

Q: I was born without a father. He took off before I was born. I only saw him once, I was 16 years old then. No financial whatsoever. My mother raised me alone. They were married but the marriage was annulled when I was 8. We live in the Philippines where Democracy is the law. We are Moslems but because of my father's absence while I was growing up, I was given a surname that is of my mother's. I know its not permissible but I was a kid back then. Now I have my own family. I need to file for my children's correct birth certificate. I ask authority that if its allowed I'd have my husband's name and last name as their middle name and surname respectively. However, our government doesn't allow things like that. I know in Islam it is not permissible to attach the surname of your mother to the names of your children. But our government requires us. Now, my problem is, if I have to attach my surname as their middle name, am I somehow commiting a sin? Using my wrong surname(my mother's last name) as their middle name is a sin already but the fact that it is a wrong surname makes it even more complicated. I cannot just change my surname because of some pertinent documents. If I do, my children might not be able to receive whatever our government has to offer them thru me. Should I just let them use my surname as their middle name since even if I change it to my original surname (my father's), it doesn't make it right in Islam. Allah Ta'ala knows, I tried convincing them, citing that in Islam children are supposed to bear their fathers name and surname but they won't let me. Please help. I am going to send my kids to school but their records are not set right.

Keeping the name Abdullah

Q: I want to use name Abdullah for newborn. Is it ok considering the child will not be able to give adequate care to protect Allah's name in his books, school papers, etc. To avoid desecration during growing up years bound to be thrown around, is it better to use another name or is it allowed?