accepting islam

Lady who was ready to accept Islam passing away

Q: I had gotten married to a Christian woman in order to avoid zina, with her having an interest in Islam at that stage. After a few months, she was prepared to become Muslim, but due to bad habits of mine, she didn't want to take the shahada as she wanted me to be of sober habit and mind in order to guide her through the transition. In the past month and a half she constantly reprimanded me with regards to my habit, saying she is ready for the shahada, and eventually she told me she will take the shahada regardless of my amendment of my ways. She even went to madrasah and began reading Islamic kitaabs. Two weeks ago she passed away in a car accident. Due to us living in separate towns, I do not know if she took the shahada or not. Is it permissible for me to send esaale thawaab for the deceased? In the case that she never took shahada, I am in great fear of Allah's punishment. It was my weakness that caused delay in the issue. What would Mufti Saheb advise so that Allah may forgive me and not take me to task through the deceased taking me to task?

Previous nikaah breaking through accepting Islam

Q: I hope you can help with this question. I am a revert Muslim, I was previously married. When I was a Christian even back then my marriage with my Christian husband is in trouble, we have a very rocky marriage. When I accepted Islam, I tried to talk to him about Islam. At first he seemed to be ok with my new religion but as the years go by he demonstrated so much hate with my religion, he does not want me to practice my religious rites and beliefs and demanded me to return back to Christianity to which I object. I ask him for a separation since then which he accepts but lately when I contacted him for my wish to have an annulment. He suddenly objected to it. I wanted to marry a very good Muslim man who proposed to me because I see this man to be lawful and obedient to Islamic law. My question is am I allowed to marry this Muslim man according to Sharia law? I have read so many articles regarding this. I am confused. My Ex-husband is preventing me to practise Islam and even called my religion as devil. I don't want to be with him anymore because of this issue and many more. What is the Sharia ruling on this? I hope you can guide me.


Q: In 2013 my mom had insult (veins in brain exploded). She was in coma for few weeks, she was dying, doctors were saying there is no hope as they see, the organism doesn’t fight anymore etc. Praise be to Rabbil Alamin for the mercy He sent me saving my mom who is now walking, cooking, doing all she did before, amin!! She is 69. She is not Muslim and I pray Allah to make her Muslim, amin. She worries about everything. Now she worries about one member of our family drinking alcohol due to debts. I know disease are from Allah, as well as the cure and everything belongs to Him, not only disease and cure, but I say all details, because as I understand He doesn’t just send disease without any factors to happen first (please share the right knowledge if I am mistaken). Today I saw a dream that I see her in toilet, I am not sure if that member of a family was there too. Then suddenly I see her lying in the bathroom while hot water is running on her face. I think, mama, why don’t you turn it off and come to her and see she is (naked if I remember correct) kind of unconscious. The same dead swallowed no movement face as I was seeing when she was in reanimation in coma… I think she opened an eye for a second, or I saw somehow the color of her eye… I think she even tried to stand or made a movement with her hand to close the water, but I think I saw again that face with no movements and realized she has been struck again. in a dream or already awake I understood that worrying about this member of a family is a factor that is a first sign that she will have the same disease again or even die and Allah knows best. then I thought it could also mean that she will be guided to Islam in shaa Allah. Amin. What does this dream mean? Allah didn’t send it for nothing and I believe we must ask His knowledgeable slaves for interpretation expecting the answer coming from Him Alone.

Murtad coming back to Islam

Q: I am in quite a predicament I need advice please. We have a person that reverted and became murtad due to marriage issues with her husband who was Muslim. The person in question taught at our Muslim school before marriage. We currently have a vacancy and she applies and claims to be Muslim. People that got her married and had personal interaction realise that this person character is manipulative and deceiving. She claims that she is Muslim but lives with her parents who are unaware that she is muslim. A parent that heard about her employment contacted her mother as per her mothers knowledge she ain't Muslim and she eats what they eat. Based on this case please assist me with some knowledgeable answers. Based on our Deen Quraan and Hadith.

1) If a murtad returns to deen what is the process.

2) If she was divorced should she do iddat and even if she went murtad.

3) Your advice with employing a character of such a nature at a Muslim school considering she will be a role model.

4) What should a parent do in a situation like this?

Embracing Islam

Q: I am a Hindu woman. I seek answer/ meaning to one of my dreams that I had few days back. Here is my dream :- "I was lying done in my bed, and the door of my room's balcony was wide open. When I opened my eyes, I turned my head towards the balcony. It was almost dawn, and I could see a mosque (in real there is no mosque visible from my balcony ). It's four minarets were sky touching and I could hear Adhan. It brought a smile on my face. Then, I get up and walked towards a huge window of my room ( I have no huge window in my room). Window was very wide, and had huge window pan, which was open. I rested my arms on window frame and looked down...there was a terrace just below the window. And there were sufi singers lost in praise of The Allah. I could see these words, " La illaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah", floating in air, passing by me. I was all smiling. Then I see, the terrace is part of a school where there are toddlers and young kids. I also saw my two twin boys as toddlers ( in real they are about to be six). All the toddlers and kids had register and pen in their hands . On their register it was written, " SETU School for Kids." There were teachers also to take care of all kids and to teach them. On that same premise, there was a rocking chair, where an old man was sitting. He was having certain confidence and calmness on his face. He wore a smile and was looking at me.

Accepting Islam and concealing it from one's family

Q: I converted to Islam. However, I have kept it from my family knowing that they will not accept my newfound religion and because of all the negativity about Islam in the news. Chinese people, including my family, are very close minded about preserving their culture and religion. But It's taken a really huge toll on me mentally. I'm not too fond of hiding my "new self" from my family and I think it really strains my relationship with them. I always have to lock my door when I pray and I always have to sneak out with the hijab or put it on when I get outside, which is a very difficult task and I think them not knowing somewhat hinders my full potential as a Muslim. For example during Ramadan, my mom would reprimand me for not eating and make me eat and etc. What should I do? Should come clean knowing that they will disown me or should I continue to keep it to myself?

Accepting Islam secretly

Q: Our helper is interested in Islam, but when she tried to tell her parents about Islam, they tell her that she must leave if she accepts Islam and threatened to do something to her child (not sure what) as they believe here in the cities, they are too many religions and thinks Islam to be something like satanism. She wanted to know whether she can accept Islam but keep it a secret from her parents. I told her she can, but then started wondering whether it is right. She has already said the Kalima couple times repeating after my little brother when he came back from Madrassah but not formally. I think she believes, and she's eager to learn more about Salaah and that. Please advise as to what should I do, and is it okay for her to keep it a secret.