
Working for a company that accepts the bank's interest

Q: I have a question regarding my job. I work in a technical firm as an engineer and my company pays me a monthly salary. My company take projects from clients and after completion of projects the client pays money to company, company puts that money in the bank and then our salary comes. Although i am not sure that either company takes interest from the bank or not, but i know that in my country Pakistan, every other company does that so there is a very high possibility that my company also takes interest from bank. So now our salary comes from (Client's money + Bank interest). So what is the Islamic ruling on this issue.

Interest transaction

Q: I have question about sood. In my town people are taking Rs.45,000 for a month and giving the Rs.60,000 or Motor Cycle CD-70 having price of Rs.63,000 after one month, so choice depends upon people either they want Rupees or Bike. So I want to know that whether it is sood or not. Some people are saying that taking rupees is sood but bike is not sood. Please guide me.

Investing in prize bonds

Q: My question is regarding the bonds that can be acquired from the state bank of the country and used as an investment tool by different people. The different bonds are worth from 100 Rupees to 40000 RS. then people wait for the draw to take place, once the draw takes place if your bond number is in the list you will get the prize money, otherwise you can get your money back by returning the bond to the bank. I want to know whether investment in these bonds are Halal or Haram. Is the prize money halal or haram?

Is modern day interest haraam?

Q: I would like to know if riba falls under the category of western interest? A lot of scholars have said that it does not and it is permissible. I would like to know the reasoning behind this and why it is or is not permissible. I have been reading a lot about this topic and when the word riba is translated it can have a large number of meanings.

How to come out of interest

Q: I am 18 years old. Some years back my mom took a debt from someone on interest because we wanted money to get my elder sister married and she took this decision to borrow money because my dad is not responsible enough as he had been through alot of business failures and was jobless..Its been 4 years and my mother has been paying interest from a really long time and now when we have no money the money lenders are troubling us alot... They torture us so much that sometimes I start losing faith in life... They torture us to the core... They scare us by telling us that if we don't give them money then they are going to tell this to all the people around and also my sister's husband which will lead to a utter shame for my parents... They speak so cheap about us that sometimes I feel that dying is much better than seeing your parents in this condition... We don't have money at all and day by day the interest has increased. Please make dua's for the betterment of my family and please tell me some zikr or dua to get rid of this debt... I'm tired and at this young age I'm falling apart...