
Associating with missionaries

Q: I'm a Salafi so I'm sure if there's a different opinion, but I'm a university student who wears the abaya and hijab. I encountered a male who is a missonary for Christianity. This missonary was trying to convince me that I should pray to Esa (Jesus) and NOT Allah alone. He asked me a question about how we the Muslims should fully believe that we will go to Heaven since Allah only who knows. I told him that in the Quran Allah said that He will only accept Islam as the final religion, anything else that is NOT Islam He will NOT accept. The missonary was STILL trying to convince me to pray to Esa and that Esa is an assurance to all mankind that each individual will go to Heaven. The missionary asked me again if I can pray along with him. The 1st time that's what happened that I explained. The 2nd time, I told him that he can pray for him, because I do NOT know how to get rid of him. So, he prayed, while he THOUGHT that I was praying inside of my heart. I was NOT following along. I was saying inside my heart in Arabic that I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Final Messenger. I also said in Arabic that There is no deity except Allah. When the missionary finished his prayer for me, he told me that he comes to the campus every once a week to teach/explain the Bible. He gave me his number and a flyer. I told him "Thank you" and we both left. I immediately tore the flyer and threw it away. Could yoy please kindly tell me if I am still a Muslim and i have NOT disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger? My heart was and still enraged on what occurred and fullt believes in Islam as my religion.