
Paying back the amount borrowed on the credit card

Q: We had lived in Oman for about 3 years and during our stay we took a credit card and used it at times of emergency rather seeking help from our fraternity as everyone cannot help financially especially abroad. Therefore we took it and returned the amount within 52 days which prevented any interest. However we moved to China and due to meagre amount of cash we took the credit card with us as a backup because we were going to Pakistan and then to China. The process took longer than expected. We had used the card at the airport and did some other transactions however my mother kept 400 OMR separate from the rest amount. As mentioned earlier the process took very long so although we had the money and were fully prepared to keep it separate but we could not really return in within 52 days as my father was in China and was settling down there and in Pakistan without a male the survival becomes quite daunting due to some family issues. So now here we are with the card in China and have the money and have exceeded the time limit. I inquired before and was told by you that if we pay only the principle amount and not the interest we would not be punished by Allah. So now we want to send the money back. I emailed them but got no reply. I did whatever I could to get in contact with them but could not. So my dad was telling my mother to keep the money because every bank has insurance and after the time limit exceeds they put the name of the customer in another category where they only want to recover the main amount not the interest. So he suggested that start a business with the amount of money. She has approximately 1 hundred thousand rupees which is 1 lakh and then repay the amount to the bank, the major amount not the interest from the profit she will get. My dad is a business teacher and knows all about businesses. The following are my questions:

1) Is it permissible for her to start a business with the money she has and then return the money from the profit she will get?

2) We could not repay the money within 52 days but we intend to and have the money till now and have not used it and only will pay the major amount not the interest, so will we be punished by Allah?

Government allowance

Q: My question is about that my husband lost his job and he is still applying for jobs too but no luck yet and we got house on mortgage. If he doesn't get a job, we gonna lose everything. So he applied for government support (allowances). If he gets this income from government, is this money halaal unless he gets the proper job.

Interest based saving scheme

Q: My father has passed away and since I have no brother, the only source of income for my mother is the monthly payment that comes against the amount deposited in the saving scheme. As it is an interest based scheme, is it permissible for her to use such earnings for all her needs? She is over sixty.

Encouraging customer to take finance

Q: I want to sell my car and I know that in most cases, people will not be able to buy it cash. I know a car dealer who arranges finance from the bank for customers. Can I advertise the car and say that finance can be arranged, and when a customer comes to me, I will send him to the car dealer who I know will assist him with the finance? Will this be permissible?