
Qiraat in salaah


1. What is the status of reciting consecutive Surahs in fardh salaat? For example, reciting Surah Ikhlaas in the first rakaat and Surah Falaq in the second rakaat?

2. In fardh salaah, it makrooh to intentionally recite Surah Ikhlaas in the first rakaat and Surah Naas in the second rakaat?

3. In Witr salaah, what is the status of reciting Surah Ikhlaas in the first rakaat, Surah Falaq in the second rakaat, and Surah Naas in the third rakaat?

4. What are the two shortest Surahs that can be read in the first and second rakaat of fardh salaah?

Using a microphone for Salaah

Q: If the Imam recites Qirat by mouth and there is only 3 lines (saffs) of musallees and the sound by mouth reaches till the 20th line (saff), but still he recites qirat using the microphone and the sound of the loud speaker reaches 5 decibles which can be heard in the building beyond the mosque. The sound level for the 1st line (saff) of musallees is about 95 decibles (dB).

1. Though the mouth is enough, still using the mike and loud speaker, is it tasarruf?

2. When the sound level (dB) goes up beyond the permissible limit (60 dB) what should we do?

3. During the Fajr prayer when the qirat is going on so loudly, it is very difficult to pray sunnat of Fajr.

4. Though the mouth is enough, still using the loud speaker, is it riya?

Doubts in salaah

Q: I lead the jamaat for asr salaah. In the second rakaat after surah fatiha, I'm not sure if I read another surah. I finished the salaah with this doubt in my mind. The maslah says that you must choose what your heart is more inclined to while you in salaah but when I read this salaah, I didn't know about this maslah. Should I make qadha of the salaah?