

Q: Charo Imam saheeh hai to kya charo ko mila kar follow karna kaisa hai? Kya maslak ko badla ja skta hai ek se jyada bar?

Maintaining family ties with people who don't follow a mazhab

Q: I have a few relatives. They are born and brought up in a Muslim family like us. However at present, they have converted into La Madhabi theology like Dr. Zakir Naik, Ahmad Deedat, etc. by refusing madhab theory.

My question is how do I maintain my relationship with them? Are we allowed/permitted to share non-veg food with them? Can we consume chicken or other non-veg whenever they invite us over for a meal? Are we allowed to perform Salat and Janaza together with them? While reading Namaz under our Imaam they pronounce aameen loudly after the Alhamdu....? Will it affect our namaz in anyway?

Not following a mazhab

Q: People in my area follow different imams and they claim that their act is correct and perfect than the other. They also say to me that you follow one imam only, reply to them that I will follow what is there is in Quran and sunnah (hadith-sahih + sanan+ other books-with references) irrespective of following one imam and making sects (as said in Quran" Vo ati ullaha Vo ati ur rasula") and they don't fluctuate w.r.t time as it is followed by prophet in times. Am I correct in this case of following Quran and hadith(also includes imams +sahaba+mufti+fuqaha) or following a single imam?

Which mazhab should one follow?

Q: My question is regarding which madhab to follow? Growing up I was told that I am a Shafee. My mother is a Hanafi and I have only been trained in the Hanafi Madhab. We also live in South Africa which is a majority Hanafi country. Kindly advise on how should I proceed with my religious obligations?

Following one's nafs

Q: Please can you advise if it is permissible for one to claim to be half Shaafi'ee and half Hanafi i.e. incorporate Shaafi'ee rulings that they have taken a liking to into their daily lives. Hence they declare themselves part Shaafi'ee and part Hanafi. If this is not permissible, please advise the harms and dangers this poses to ones Imaan.