imaani values

Being concerned of one's Deen and the Deen of those who one has influence over

Q: I had a dream and would like to know it's meaning. After fajr prayers I made dua for marriage and success in career, I have dreamt that as I get out from my house, there are two animals to the side; a black cat and a black leopard both with green eyes staring at me. I become surprised of the leopard as it walks towards me with the intention of entering my house. The leopard comes right to my door and this is when I close my door and stay in my house.


Q: I was at my old junior primary school where I met new people at a gathering inside the school hall. It felt like i had made new friends. Amongst them was what appeared to be Christian girl who was praying for me. After the meeting was over we all walked about there was heavy rain. Everybody left in their cars. I wasn't offered a lift by anyone and I was too shy to ask for one. Therefore I ended up walking alone in the rain.

Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: I had a dream wherein my cousin had made zina with my other cousin. Then I was in a masjid kind place, and it was still under construction, and I was driving my father's car up a hill, and while it was stopped, i had the brakes in. Suddenly it started to roll and I picked up the hand brakes, but nothing happened i.e it did not stop rolling, and I smashed a few cars until I came to a stop at the bottom of the hill. Then I saw a man who had a cell phone and I knew it was he who overrode the cars braking system. Then I was in a dark room and I clicked a button on his phone and the lights went off. Then one of my friends were looking through the window of the masjid in construction and he screamed "who's there". Thereafter I remember my cousin's father (the girl's father) saying to my cousin who had made zina with her that you'll can sort it out between yourselves, thereafter they got married. Please interpret it.

Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: I have a couple of dreams that I need you to interpret for me please.

1. In this dream I was a victim of bullying by an old class mate who happens to be a person that I actually got along with. He was using a taser. This dream is strange because I have never been bullied.

2. In this dream I had unlawful sex with a woman that I felt I knew but I had never met before. I took away her virginity.

3. In this dream I was journeying to Hajj but it did not feel like I was in Mecca. I could see the The Ka'bah but I wasn't in Mecca. What is strange about this dream is that I was surrounded by non-Muslims and Hajj felt more like a tourist destination rather than a religious site. I haven't made any preparations to go to Hajj.

4. A woman offered me money and I accepted it. But after taking the money I felt that there was something sinister about the woman.

5. In this dream I was at my childhood home with my sister. There was no sign of my parents. The house was being robbed and I managed to escape but I could not save my sister from the robbers. She was in an outside building. I'm not sure if the burglars were aware of her presence. I called for help but there was no response from the neighbours or the security company. However, the strangest thing about this dream was that there was dead wildlife (lions, a rhino) in the backyard between the outside building (where my sister was) and the house that the burglars were in.

*Note when I was growing up I experienced a couple of burglary attempts at this house.

Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: If my following dream could please be interpreted: I dreamt that I was in my bed (as I had gone to sleep) and Shaytaan suddenly appeared right in front of my face. Shaytaan had feaces in his right hand and a spoon in his left hand. He was then trying to force feed me the feaces with the spoon. I kept on turning my face away left and right, however, he just reappeared in whichever direction I turned to trying to force the feaces in my mouth. I became very tired and exhausted at constantly moving my face. I was very scared at what might happen. This with Shaytaan continued for some time. The dream then ended and I woke up very scared and worried.

Protecting one's Imaani values

Q: I had a dream (around 4 or 5 am in the morning) in which I saw a couple of rats (resembled rats) at my brother's wedding. (He recently got married). Then again I saw a couple of rats at my aunts house which my younger brother caught and got rid of. Can you kindly explain this in the light of Islam. What message does it convey? Any suggestions regarding the same.

Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: My wife saw this dream. We like to ask what it means. She saw her elder sister (a bit abnormal mentally) in a house where there are big man size see through glasses and big corridors, suddenly a dust storm came, my wife pulled her sister inside, then their mom came in, says you did a good job by pulling her inside, next scene, their mom brings two beautiful fat cats, despite my wife and her younger sister does'not like cats , then the mom threw cats on the bed.