
Keeping aloof from people

Q: I have social anxiety that has been growing since the past year ever since I moved to this new country as a student. The nature of my research-based program also "allows" me to work just by myself without having to go through daily social interactions, and besides I've never really felt comfortable hanging around with my colleagues. I wonder if it's sinful to do such social isolation, because I actually always feel guilty since I feel like I contribute to nothing to people's lives and my presence has no meanings in their lives (in which I always try to make up by doing more charities). I've always wanted to change but it's just so difficult to connect with anybody in this place, and right now I just look forward to finish my study and go back home soon to recover my "normal" life that I had in the past. How sinful it is and how can I make up for such bad habit in a way that doesn't make me uncomfortable all the time just like when I'm being surrounded by people?